So the day after Aaron ran the marathon we packed up to leave for Hawaii. Aaron's stores in Idaho both one the trip so we went with his partner in one and his wife-Brandon and Alexa Kraupp-and the manager at the other store which is his sister's husband and his sister-Josh and Aubrey Naylor. We actually left Monday October 6th at 6:00 a.m. We flew out of the St. George airport-which was nice. It was so cute to watch Aaron walk around-his legs hurt him SO bad. When we got to LA the airplane that we flew on was so small that we didn't walk right into the airport. We had to walk down the airplane stairs and outside. Aaron was using his arms to go down them. He would hold onto the handrails and pull his feet up. It was quite hilarious. We only had about an hour layover then we got on the flight to Hawaii. We asked if we could upgrade to first class..........
And We're off!!We got the upgrade and it was pretty sweet. They served us a sweet omlette and fruit on the plane. It was very nice. That's a pretty lady behind me.
After we landed in Hawaii we rented a car then waited for the other two couples that we were traveling with to get in. After they got in we went back to the hotel to check in then we went to the restaurant at the resort for dinner. I got a wedge a lettuce with a little bit of dressing on it for $14.00. It was ridiculous. But, what do you expect at a beach front resort in Hawaii that Oprah stays at when she travels there. Needless to say we didn't go back there for the rest of the trip.

This is kinda a dark picture, but this is at the resort. It was incredible!! So relaxing and I just loved being with Aaron. If I would have known I was about to eat a rabbit's size portion of lettuce I probably wouldn't have been smiling so big.
The next day was Tuesday. We got up and went to breakfast then went to walk along the beach. While we were out there we saw some kiacks. After a little probing I agreed to do it and it was SO much fun. We were only out in the ocean for about an hour but we saw lots of turtles. It was great. Alexa took some pictures so if we get them I will post them.
After we were done in the ocean we went and just layed by the pools for a lot of the day.

Before we started our relaxing day by the pools the guys found this rope swing. Aaron was doing back-flips and acting like a little boy. It was cute. The swing didn't actually open for another hour but they don't really care about rules. After Aaron, Brandon and Josh had gotten their fill, these little boys watching were now excited about it so they came over to do it. We are getting old.........those other boys were so much more agile then our old men. Then a life guard came up and got mad at the other boys. It was pretty sad and they had no idea it wasn't open yet. Do you think Aaron, Josh and Brandon stood up for the little ones? YEAH RIGHT!
We finally parted from the pools at about 3:00. Just in time to get ready for dinner.

We went to The Fish Co. out in Lahaina which was about a 30 minute drive. We started outside but the wind was blowing and it was to sunny.

So they moved us inside and we enjoyed a delicious seafood dinner with a yummy drink. I think it was called a Lava Flow-non alcoholic of course. We had some peel 'n eat shrimp (that was kind of weird to pull the legs and shells off the little guys before you eat them.) Aaron and Josh loved them. I guess when you cook them with the shells on it's supposed to keep the flavor in better.

After dinner we walked along some fun little shops and found a stand with these sweet flowers. We walked up and started talking to this cute lady and she asked us if we were "members". It kind of took us off-guard. I guess it's not hard to pick us out when we are pretty much the only ones walking around with clothes on.
She made these cute flowers out of clay. Then she even signed them for us.

On Wednesday we got up early for Josh and Aaron to go scuba diving.CRAZY KIDS. This was Aaron's first time in the ocean. No, he is not certified but he pretended like his name was Aubrey(you should have seen the looks Aaron got when he told them his name). Aubrey and I sat on the boat while they went in.

Here is Aaron giving the ok sign. I guess he's ready.

Oh, he's pretty. Aaron said the scariest part for him was having so much weight on him and jumping into the ocean. It was hard for him to believe he wasn't going to sink to the bottom.
I will never go scuba diving.
We got back from scuba diving at about noon. We then went to the pools some more....... we played on the slides, went in the hot tubs and even played a game of volleyball. After we had our fill of the water for the day we got ready for dinner.
We went to......

Dinner was delicious! They had a wall that had a bunch of famous people that have eaten there. From Reba to Owen Wilson.

I have had food that was presented beautifully before and way expensive but none of it ever tasted very good. AT ALL!! Not this food though. From our appetizers to our dessert's everything was so freakin' good. I really couldn't belive how fun and yummy it was.

Once our delicious dinner was over we went outside and took some romantic pictures. In the sand by the ocean next to these awesome torches.
Thursday we went to a presentation for a time-share thingy. The only reason we did that is so the guys could play a round of golf and the girls could get pampered a little. After our pampering that took about 2 hours all together the girls went to lunch then did a little shopping to find some dresses to wear that night to the rewards dinner.
We made it back to the hotel just in time to get ready and eat this incredibly disgusting dinner that Yamaha provided. It consisted of Nasty Fish and even Nastier Steak. Yuck!

But at least I had a cute dress and a cute flower to wear.
Aaron's cute.

The Girls.
After our Nasty dinner we went to bed.
Friday we enjoyed our last day lounging around by the pool. We did hang out at the beach for a little bit. Aaron and I sat and watched Josh and Aubrey build a sand castle then get destroyed by the ocean. It was relaxing.
That night we drove back to Lahaina for a little Melting Pot.

My favorite part of the meal was the chips, bread and vegetables dipped in cheese. Once again.....

The whole group.....You should have seen how much food we had, and how much we ate.
Our plan for Saturday was to pretty much just pack up and wait for our flights to leave at 10:00 p.m. I hate waiting that long for a flight because I'm already anxious to get home. We ended up finding things to entertain us. We checked out of our room at noon then headed into town by the airport. We went to a movie, Costco, did a little more shopping, picked up Brandon and Alexa just in time to get to Krispy Kreme donuts for the hot light........

Can you see our mouths watering?

Is this Heaven? If not, will the donuts be this good in Heaven?
We got to the airport and due to complications-mostly on Aaron's part-we didn't even sit next to eachother on the plane. Luckily I slept pretty much the whole flight so it wasn't too bad. Once we Arrived back in LA we had an 8 hour layover. We slept for some of the time in the airport, got lunch, read and just kinda wandered.
We finally boarded our flight home and were we ever excited!

This is us with no make-up and barely any sleep, but SO HAPPY to finally only have 15 minutes until we are HOME!
Do you like Aaron's sweatshirt? I probably paid way too much for it, but I love it.
We had such an awesome time being together for a whole week with no interruptions from phone, businesses, or babies.