Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas was Great!!

Christmas Day was really good this year.....As I have mentioned in previous posts we didn't spend tonz of money. The kids each got one present from Santa, on one from Aaron and I and one from each of their siblings. I think it turned out really well. I have been known to give my kids so many presents that they get bored of opening them before they are all opened.

This is what Santa left for the kids....Madison got a barbie house, Porter got a remote control truck, Ryan got a Tonka truck and Brayden got the little green motorcycle sitting on the chair. Believe it or not they were all VERY excited about their presents!

This is a little something Aaron's family would always do before going in to see what Santa brought. I quite like it. I think I will carry this tradition on along with so many others that the Smith Family has.

All of the family got a Christmas Outfit also. Here is Ry in his. What a cute face!

Grandma and Grandpa along with Russ joined us for the opening of presents this year. I guess they figure things are a little boring around their houses. So they have started making the rounds to different houses. Last year was Heather and I'm sure next year will be Jo!

Porter ABSOLUTELY LOVES his "monster truck" He wouldn't leave it's side all morning. He even got behind in opening presents because he loved this one so much.

Brayd loved the ride grandpa is giving him in Ry's Tonka Truck. Those things are built like bricks!

Grandma and Madison had so much fun putting together all the furniture in "The Barbie House"

After the excitement was over at our house we headed to grandma and grandpa's for some breakfast......This is Brayd's stool

Then we got a family picture....All in our Christmas Outfits....I think we're cute!

Just the kids! I can't believe all my babies are finally getting the stage that they can stand and all look at the camera at the same time!! That's Amazing!

After picture time we opened our presents the Grandma and Grandpa had for us.....

Madison got a bead set that she likes so much....

Ryan and Porter got some learning games......Brayd got some fun puzzles. I'm sure he was off attacking the candy somewhere at picture time.

This was the most exciting part for all the kids. We gave my parents his and her bikes that they can go have fun on. They are just the simple old fashioned bikes. That's just what my mom said she wanted. My dad keeps trying to convince everyone to get everyone else a bike, so we figured that was his way of saying he wanted one!! Well, we hope we interpreted his comments the right way:) They look happy!

Russ had one of his friends come over and have a "jam session" on their guitars. I was really entertaining. After the crowd had left and the party had ended Porter got a little private lessons from Uncle Russ

Russ determined that Porter's fingers were still too small. He WILL be my guitar player someday.

And this is how Christmas ended....Well, Almost!

We then went home and started cleaning up the crazy mess that we had left our house that morning. In the middle of all the cleaning the POWER WENT OUT!! What the heck? We tried to stay calm and lit a bunch of candles. It was only out for about an hour. But, with 4 little kids it seemed very LOOOONG! However, we made it through and went to bed very thankful for power!!
So, I thought I was being spoiled by Aaron with the 12 Days of Christmas. I thought he had exhausted all his good ideas until I walked into the front room on Christmas morning to

Some people may ask why I need such a sweet piano when I don't even play very good. Well, that is the exact reason! I'm not good enough to play so I need to have recorded songs with the piano playing all by itself.
I LOVE this piano!! With the little gadget on the left there is a little hand-held device that has about 10,000 songs programed into it so I can listen to anyone from Faith Hill to James Taylor to Kurt Bestor to Elton John and John Mayer. Just to name a few....
Thanks Baby!!
This is DEFINITELY something to "LOOK FORWARD TO" especially the day that Madison can "bust it out!"

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was pretty relaxing and fun at the same time this year. We pretty much had all the excitement we could handle at Aaron's parents. Russ and I are the only ones that don't have any other family in town so we kind of have to schedule our activities around a lot of other people.
So we ended up meeting at my mom's house around 6:30 p.m. We decided to just do a bunch of appetizers for a meal. We actually ended up eating at about 8:00 p.m. Aaron was pretty much STARVING but he made it through.

This was Ry's dinner. He was so proud of his "Sandwich"
He made it all by himself!

We then had a little program. The kids sang a little and it was short, but sweet!

My kids for sure aren't afraid to be in the "limelight" 1 out of 4 made it up of Heather's kids.
Alan's not scared

We then exchanged siblings gifts. Joanna and Jason had us.

I got this sweet "Bumbles" watch. It's so cool. It has interchangeable bands so it's like a bracelet too!! I love it. Thanks Jo and Jason

Joanna and Jason got Aaron a shop-vac. I KNOW Aaron really liked it!!

Then the kids opened their presents from their cousins. Ryan and Porter got Nerf guns, Brayd got a noisy book and Madison got stamps!

After all the excitement died down at Grandma and Grandpa Key's house we headed home for our own little "Christmas Eve"
The kids were so excited to hear that they had one more present to open that night. So, we read the last day of our scripture, story and poem and let them have their presents.

Porter is always the fastest at opening a present. He can't stand it!!

As you can see, they all got Jammy pants with their names embroidered on the BuM! We started this tradition last year and tradition is what it is going to be!! I love it and their BuM's are just too cute!!
I love my babies!! I am SO thankful for them and the fun and joy they bring to my life! Heck Ya it's hard, but worth it. (They are sleeping right now:).

The 12 Days of Christmas



A Victoria's Secret gift card.
I love their make-up and that is just what I am going to buy with it!!

I had so much fun receiving all the fun things Aaron did for me. Now I don't question whether he loves me or not. I KNOW he does.

I love you baby!! I can't wait for next year!! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The 12 Days Of Christmas

On The Eleventh Day Of Christmas....

My True Love Gave To Me....

How Cute is Aaron?? He has never bought me a REAL ring besides my wedding ring.


What A Cute Boy I Married!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

The 12 Days Of Christmas

On the Tenth Day Of Christmas...

My True Love Gave To Me.....

Oh Yeah Baby!!! Summer Sausage is DELICIOUS!!!!!
I would have been content with this, BUT.....Aaron also told me that he would buy me ANY swimsuit I wanted. He confessed that he could NOT pick that out for me.

Good Work Baby, Good Work!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma Smith's

Aaron's mom is SO good at celebrating Christmas. She just loves the holidays and loves to make everyone so excited for them. There are 8 kids in Aaron's family, so with Aaron's mom being the smart woman that she is figured that if she made her "Special Dinner" a little before Christmas she would be more likely to have everyone there.
Momma Smith always starts out with a delicious dinner. Consisting of Chicken Cordon Bleu's, vegetables, ranch potatoes, orange rolls, and anything else that looks and sounds delicious. She then moves on to a little progam. This year she had the nativity program with the Grandkids and had us all participate in our own little way.

Here are the men "waiting" for the women to put the finishing touches on dinner

The kids waiting for dinner to begin
The kids putting on the Nativity

The ladies with kids singing "Picture a Christmas"

The married men doing their chimes......They were pretty good!!

Brayden loved walking around with the shepherd's crook. But watch out, he attacked a few people

Aaron's Dad is 1/2 German so it's tradition to sing German Christmas songs. One of Aaron's good friends, Mitch, and an employee of Lin's joined us. He served his mission in Germany. Is Mitch the only one singing? They sang Silent Night and did a pretty good job.
Watch out for that crook!

The grand-kids were once again front and center singing "Christmas Bells" They are so fun to watch!

Aaron's mom is so cute to buy everyone P.J.'s on the "Special Dinner". Here are all the men...Adam, Aaron, Taylor, Chase, Tim, Josh and Mitch in front.

And..........THE LADIES!
Bonnie, Kara, Kris, Aubrey, Ashley and Brianne.
(I'm the ONLY sister-in-law. Chase really needs to get with it)
They are all so sweet though, the only time I feel like an in-law is when it's family picture time:)

Brayden loves his hands in his pockets

Just my "Boys"

And our whole family. There sure is quite a few of us!

Madison put on a little program of her own towards the end of the night. She sang
"Jesus Once Was A Little Child"

Then played Silent Night
She is so good at performing. She doesn't get nervous at all. I hope she keeps up her confidence.

Madison then joined the group and sang with Ashley and Chloe while Brianne played

Ahhhhh, I loves a kisses!!!

Karen always gives out a bazillion presents!! Santa even leaves his bag in her basement. You can see Santa's bag by her feet. So Cute!!

After things settled down a bit we busted out Guitar Hero. It was great!! Except I think Brayd might be angry at Ry. That would be weird

I think we wore Ry right out!! Well, Grandma did.

Brayd's not so tired though. He's ready to brush his teeth. That's a good boy Brayd, Good Boy!

The "Special Dinner" was great. I am so glad that Aaron's parents go through all the fuss-Lin of course funding it all and Karen doing the foot work. It is so nice to go up there and feel so loved! I just love them and am so thankful I married in to such a WONDERFUL family!

Now.............We are off to home to celebrate there!!

Madison will read....

Porter will stare.....

Ry will eat his hand and watch Dora......

And Brayd? He'll say CHEESE!!!!