Aaron's Mom, Dad, and little brother Taylor came down for a weekend. They were needing to do some business in Las Vegas so they invited us to spend the night at the Trendwest with them. We left on Friday just after Madison got out of school and got home at about 11:00 on Saturday morning. It was very quick, but very fun!!

Aaron's mom just loves to be by pools, the first thing she wants to do when we get to a hotel is get the kids in the water! So, as soon as we got to Vegas the kids got their suits on and jumped in the pool. For a while we stayed at the baby pool, it was
very warm and
very shallow.

For Madison and Porter the baby pool got old real fast. So, they found Uncle Taylor and played with him. Taylor loves to play with the kids. Brayd was a little nervous in this picture because as soon as we got to this pool he got a little too aggresive and went under the water for a coulple of seconds. Good thing Momma turned just in time to see his head go under-No, I don't believe in coincidences like that, Brayd was for sure being watched over. Momma yelled and Daddy grabbed and everyone was happy!!

This is how Brayd stayed the rest of the time at the pool. With his mom, eating and staying warm!!

I love this picture!! Madison looks just like this is how life should be! I'm not sure Porter was thinking the same thing.

After swimming and showering we all got ready to go to dinner. While Grandma was waiting she pulled out a GAME!! Grandma LOVES games too. I love that my mother-in-law is so patient at teaching kids games. She is one of the best grandma's!

Brayd is for sure a "hat-man". My favorite thing is when he covers his eyes with the hat, then lifts his head up really high trying to see.

Brayd is to the age where his favorite thing is to push buttons and discover anything that is in sight. I guess that is how they learn everything huh?

At the end of the night Brayd was worn out!! We were all in the other room and came out to see that he had found his blankie and bed and laid down for his sleepy-sleep time.
Wow, I just looked back and realized this was kind of a Brayden Over-load Post. But, what can I say?
HE'S CUTE!!I should have another one.........