Aaron has always loved to go riding, me? Not so much. I'm not lovin' the dirt, dust, sweatiness and all the other nasty stuff that comes along with it. It looks like I'd better get used to it because I have 4 boys that LOVE it! We went with some friends and took out 2 Rhino's and 2 ATV's. I'm sad to say that this was my last ride on my present I got when Aaron and Russ sold Cedar Ridge 16 months ago. -Don't feel too bad for me, it only had 33 miles on it.- But still!
Back to our riding!

For some reason Brayd was saying, "mom" during this picture but the other boys were very happy. In their book there is nothing better than going riding! Well, maybe the lake.

Here is one Rhino full!
And the last picture in the Rhino:(

Same Rhino, different people

The other Rhino has a backseat, but this one didn't. So, Aaron strapped some carseats in the back. Jordan supervised, and Adley drove.

Brayd just wondering around in the dirt. Just what 2 year olds do.

Josh took Porter with him....Aaron was pretty nervous, he refers to Porter as a high-maintenance passenger. It's because he always wants to drive or push random buttons. I think he did a good job though.
Thanks Josh!

No kidding, after about 30 minutes of getting everything ready we were finally ready to Head-Out!
We drove out to Sand Hollow Reservoir. It was very warm and dusty on the way out so we let all the kids put their feet in the water, Well, that is what we told them they could put in the water. Do you think they listened?

They did at first....

Then clothes started coming off...

And, they ended up swimming in their underwears.

Except the big girls.

Cute, Cute Girls.

Ry was gettting pretty brave and swimming out very far. He might be getting a little too used to the water.

Brayd pretty much didn't want anything to do with the water. So, he borrowed some toys that were there and played in the sand.

Maybe Madison does need a little sister. She was so cute to take care of Taylor on the ride home. Thanks for getting us back safely DeAnna! You are an awesome Rhino driver. Especially up those hills!
That night the girls took their sugar daddy's out for some Benja's and to see "The Proposal".

Dinner was delicious,

The movie was cute,
The best was the entertainment while waiting in line for the movie. Heather had a head-ache and was on some intense pain medication. She started swaying, so the sweet man that my husband is went and tracked down a chair for the sick pregnant lady.

I know this may surprise ALOT of people, but I just thought it was SO cute that Aaron was SO worried and Heather was SO appreciative of Aaron for getting her a chair.
We had alot of fun and I hope Aaron enjoyed his Father's Day Eve!
I love you Baby!