Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Baby Brayd is 1 Year Old!

Wow, how the year has flown! Brayden had his 1st birthday on March 22nd. I can't believe he is 1 already! Brayden is such a blessing to our family and keeps us smiling and laughing! When I found out I was having another boy I have to admit I was a little disappointed.....However, the more time I spend with him the more I realize that there is no way I would want it any other way. Aaron thinks he is my favorite! I really don't have a favorite. Anyone that is a mom knows that it is pretty much impossible to love one child more than another-dads are a different story-It is so easy to love and adore a 1-year old. They constantly need you and do the cutest things. Anyway, just a little shout-out to Brayd! WE LOVE YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!

We celebrated Madison's and Porter's birthdays on Saturday also. Madison's birthday is on April 11 and Porter's is on March 31st. We decided to just have one big party with family so we didn't have to plan to many parties. We had alot of fun. We just invited family over and had Panda Express to eat. It was YUMMY!!

They each got money to go to the store and buy something they really wanted. Madison got a big coloring book and plans to get some clothes. Porter got a really cool bike with pegs in the front and back! He thinks he is so COOL!!

Brayden got this fun "Elmo Laptop." He seemed pretty interested in it. He also got some word animals that are magnetic! What do you get a 1 year-old that has 3 older siblings that have more toys than they know what to do with? I often hear Madison and Porter talking about selling their old toys so they have enough room for their new ones.
It didn't take long for Brayden to delve into his cupcake. He enjoyed it just as much as the bath in the sink afterward!

This is kind of a silly picture, but it is the only one I took of my kids filling their Easter Eggs. I decided to try something new this year. Instead of coloring hard boiled eggs that will just go bad, I decided to get candy to fill plastic eggs. (Don't worry, I didn't deprive my kids of coloring Easter Eggs, they did that while they were up visiting grandma Smith a couple of weeks ago) They really had a good time filling the eggs. Ry was even a REALLY good helper!

Madison, Porter and Ry love to be wrapped up like little "babies" by their daddy in their blankets then carried off to bed. Then we placed Brayd right on top which he seemed to enjoy!

I love this picture of Bud! She put on Joanna's glasses and grabbed her purse and said in her comical voice, " WHO AM I?" For those of you who know Christie can only imagine her doing this! It was SO funny to me and every time I look at this picture I can't help myself from laughing! I love you Bud! Thanks for making me laugh!

1 comment:

Jason and Joanna said...

I sure hope I don't look like that! Rude. :)