Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged

A list of Eights.

8 TV shows I love to watch:

1.Dora(because it keeps Ry happy)
2.World Poker Tour(It puts me to sleep and keeps Aaron awake, that way I know I'm not the only one awake in the house)
3.American Idol
4.So You Think You Can Dance
5.Deal or no Deal(laying next to Aaron)
6.Conference(Is that a TV show? I just always feel good after watching it)
7. The Office (Aaron laughs the whole time and I love to hear him laugh)
8. Jon and Kate Plus 8 (It makes my life seem SO easy)

8 things that happened yesterday:

1.Aaron left me for China.
2. I cried.
3.Went to FHE at the park and it was freakin' freezing!
4.Talked with Joanna, Jason, Bud, Moss and Nicole about nothing, but it made me feel better so I didn't cry myself to sleep.
5.Dropped papers off for Aaron to our accountant. Hopefully we get pass this audit without too much damage done.
6. Talked to Aaron for the last time until Sunday.
7. Put a picture of Aaron on my phone so I don't forget how sexy he is.
8.Fell to sleep next to my baby girl. Good thing someone is here to keep me company.

8 favorite places to eat:

1.Samurai 21
2. Winger's
3.Cafe' Rio
5.Texas Roadhouse
6.The Melting Pot
7.Mama's Fish House(Deliciousness in Hawaii)
8.Anywhere next to my BABY!!!!

8 things I am looking forward to:

1.Aaron coming home!!!
2.Aaron e-mailing me
3.Joanna having her baby
4.Bud having her baby
5.Eating dinner-I'm hungry
6.The winter
8.Going to Bed!!

8 things on my wish list:

1.My kids grow up and loving me still
2.Convincing Aaron that I need another baby girl
3.My boys and Madison marrying people I like, love would be better
4.To never get sick and die
5.Aaron to love me forever
6.Aaron to come home to me-Today, I hate this....
7.Someone to cook me healthy, delicious meals
8.Ryan not to wake up crying in the night

8 people I tag:

1. Anne Powell
2. Ana
3. Lindsey Terry
4. Heather Stout
5. Jill
6. Norma Nielsen
7. Cindy Eggertz
8. Lyndsi Martin


Lyndsi said...

Ummm.... do you miss Aaron?!? I'm sorry the park was so freaking cold too! Hang in there. Aaron will be back soon enough.

Linds said...

Dude...I'm feeling your pain!