Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family Pictures

We did family pictures........ here are some of our favorites!

I was so surprised that the kids did as well as they did. I thought they turned out really good!! And..........all for 50 bucks Baby!! I haven't been able to justify spending hundreds of dollars on pictures yet. Maybe when the kids get older I will be able to do it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ry's Birthday!!

My Baby Ry turned 3!!

Ryan is such a cute little boy. I love so many things about him......
He had his birthday on November 17th. Most of the day was spent with his dad and Porter and Rhino. He loves to be with his dad and to be out riding on the rhino makes it even better!! I love this little boy so much!

5 of the many things I love about Ry..........

1. He loves Me!! He shows me affection an loves to rub faces. Especially when his daddy has a softy face.
2. He takes good care of Brayd. Like when he is stuck on my bed Ry grabs his feet and pulls him down. That's a good helper.
3. He keeps Porter on his toes.
4. I'm pretty sure Ry is the reason Aaron comes home at night. Aaron and Ry have had a special bond since the minute Ry was born. I think Aaron misses Ry more than he does me.
5. Has such a sweet spirit about him, and knows how to love and loves to be loved.

For Ry's birthday he got some Kawasaki walkie-talkies, Diego shoes, an outfit and this sweet train that Aaron is putting together.

I had to throw this picture in of Porter. We went to McDonald's on Ry's birthday and Aaron ordered a hamburger. There was onions in the hamburger but we didn't tell Porter to see if he would still eat it. Well, he did and he even said he liked the hamburger ALOT!! We did tell him later about the onions and wasn't very happy about it. Silly Boy.

That night we went to Pizza Factory of course to get the "3" pizza that is so delicious. (And it's Aaron's favorite). It was fun, but our meal was 50 bucks!! Can you believe that? I couldn't. Aaron even brought it up again the next day. I think we ordered TOO much food.

Our favorite part was of course the desseret!! It was delicious and Ry certainly enjoyed it.
I hope you had a Happy Birthday Baby!!
I love you.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It was my birthday

I had a really fun birthday this year and I'm pretty ok with being 28!
The day started out good. I got up and got the kids and I ready for the day. Then Aaron made himself get out of bed so he could get me some breakfast. It was amazing how nice it was to have help in the kitchen that he had decorated the night before. AHHHHH cute!

My babies and I with my grapefruit and a candle.

I then opened my presents. Aaron had already given me money to buy some clothes with the week before in Vegas so I didn't expect to get much. However, the kids did want to get me something so Aaron took them shopping. I got a Maurices gift card, some stuff from Bath and Body works and some jewelry. It was great.

On my way to get my nails done Aaron threw the kids on the scooter and headed out for a ride.........Aaron's JOB? Has some advantages to it. He's a cute daddy!

The whole rest of the day we shopped! We took a lunch and dinner break, but other than that we spent the whole day just doing what I love.


Today Is Bonnie's Birthday!

I, Christie (Bonnie's little sister) hacked into Bonnie account to leave a little message for her on her Birthday. 28 years ago today, Bonnie came into the world screaming like crazy and hasn't really quieted down since, don't worry we all still love her all the same. In fact here are 28 Reasons we love Bonnie!
1. Her Beautiful singing voice
2. How she gets so excited for everyone when good things happen to them
3. Her cute clothes she lets us borrow when we are not pregnant and can fit in them
4. Aaron
5. Madison
9.Her pantry full of great food that she loves to share:)
10. Numerous invites to go to lunch
11. Her hand me downs:)
12. She is pretty much the glue that holds the family together
13. She will tell you if you look ugly and tell you how to fix it;)
14. She is a great help when you are moving and gets things done fast
15. Great listener!
16. Babysits whenever you need her to
17. She will go shopping with you anytime, even if she has to drag along her monkeys
18. She lets you check books out of her library for only a small fee...haha jk
19. Always Happy
20. Extremely giving to everyone she meets
21. Always thinking of others first
22. Is a GREAT mom
23. Is a GREAT wife
24. Only yells when necessary... she will be the judge of when that is:)
25. Whenever you are sad she will show you the bright side of life.
26. Makes delicious Desserts.
27. Lets you borrow her kids anytime when you are lonely
28. She is Bonnie and is definitely One-of-a-Kind!
We all Love you! Hope you have a great day!!!
I invite everyone to leave a comment and share also why you love Bonnie...

Saturday, November 8, 2008



*What is your husband’s name? Aaron Lin Ryan Smith
*How long have you been married? 7 years 8 months and 23 days
*How long did you date? Our first single date he asked me to marry him. We were married 2 1/2 months later.
*How old is he? 29
*Who eats more sweets? He does
*Who said I love you first? Aaron did
*Who is taller? Aaron (barely) In the next life I am requesting he grows about 5 inches.
*Who can sing best? Uh, I lead the music in church and he gets like 100 percent on the singing part of rock band. But.........we both suck!
*Who is smarter? Oh for sure HIM!!
*Who does laundry? Oh for sure ME!
*Who pays bills? He does!! I don't have that kind of money. I'm on a strict budget!
*Who sleeps on the right side? I do.
*Who mows the lawn? Aaron did until last month. Then he hired someone. I guess he got too busy? Whatever!
*Who cooks dinner? Me. Unless it's the one day a year I'm sick. Then you'll catch Aaron in the kitchen.
*Who drives? Aaron. Unless we are late for church and I've been honking at him for 5 minutes.
*Who is first to admit they are wrong? We're pretty even on that one. It depends on who is in a better mood.
*Who kissed who first? I kissed his hand then he let me have it in the back of my car while my big brother was driving. That was awkward! Just for Russ though.
*Who asked who out first? Aaron did. We went on a group date to the Oktoberfest. It was great!!
*Who wears the pants? Anything to do with the kids, I do. Anything else, he does.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

That's MY Girl!!

After a few soccer games and a crazy morning.......
I cooked myself up a delicious artichoke and sat down to eat it. I then realized I had a friend sitting next to me anticipating the same thing!!
Now, we always say Madison is just like Aaron. There is pretty much NO way you can tell she is my girl. Except for a couple of things, and one of them is she likes to EAT!! There is nothing wrong with that except for when she likes to eat MY food!!

Madison learned that she quite enjoys artichokes. Except for the stem and the heart. Which is just fine with me because they are my favorite parts!!

I really am excited that I now have a partner to dip delicious artichokes leafs into butter buds and ENJOY!!