Friday, November 14, 2008

It was my birthday

I had a really fun birthday this year and I'm pretty ok with being 28!
The day started out good. I got up and got the kids and I ready for the day. Then Aaron made himself get out of bed so he could get me some breakfast. It was amazing how nice it was to have help in the kitchen that he had decorated the night before. AHHHHH cute!

My babies and I with my grapefruit and a candle.

I then opened my presents. Aaron had already given me money to buy some clothes with the week before in Vegas so I didn't expect to get much. However, the kids did want to get me something so Aaron took them shopping. I got a Maurices gift card, some stuff from Bath and Body works and some jewelry. It was great.

On my way to get my nails done Aaron threw the kids on the scooter and headed out for a ride.........Aaron's JOB? Has some advantages to it. He's a cute daddy!

The whole rest of the day we shopped! We took a lunch and dinner break, but other than that we spent the whole day just doing what I love.


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