Saturday, March 7, 2009

Grandpa and Grandma's Landscaping

My parents started to put their landscaping in so some of my brothers and sisters went to help them.....Some helped more than others! I'm guilty, but I did make some delicious brownies that I found on my Bishops Blog! Back to the story...When Aaron and I arrived with our monkeys my mom said she needed to go in to town. So, I loaded up my youngest monkeys. Ry did not want to go AT ALL, so my mom told him she really needed his help. We got to the store and my mom pulled the stuff out. Ry immediately did this.....

Yep, he just threw that stuff over his shoulder and started walking....That is a GOOD helper!
Brayd then wanted to help. The good brother that Ry is shared the service and let Brayd carry the pins.

This is one good thing about having a bunch of boys, they are good helpers! As long as we can keep them focused.



Jason and Joanna said...

That's good helpers boys! So, ya, I'm pretty sure your the only sister out of the sisters that helped :) I'm not afraid to admit I didn't help at all, except watched Brayd while you were outside. So I guess I did help.

The Key's said...

haha -- this was a fun day! And Bonnie you did help lots! You did a good job cutting all those holes in that material :) And you made some delicious brownies that made everyone's day! Good job :) It was fun to be out there with everyone doin some good ol yard work :)

The Key's said...

P.S. Your kids were SUCH good helpers!!