Monday, August 3, 2009

My Baby Growed Up!

I was giving Brayd a bath the other day and he had already had a shower the night before so I wasn't planning on washing his hair. Well, he had a different plan. I walked out of bathroom for a minute, and when I came back in the bathroom I could smell the shampoo. I looked in the bath and saw this....

Brayd took it upon himself to wash his hair. Can you see the bubbles?
When did he grow up?

That same day I was blog stalking and heard him yelling to me from the kitchen. I looked over and couldn't see him. This is why...

What a monkey! He found some chocolate chips that he wanted in the freezer. That is what he is pointing to.
I love this Boy!


Heather said...

Does that mean it's time for another one, or is that what Oscar is for. Cute pictures!

Keisha said...

I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He is so cute! I loved Jo's video of your kids she put on her have cute kids!

Aaron and Bonnie said...

That is EXACTLY what Oscar is for:)

Mitzi said...

they grow up so fast!!! i love that he is pointing at the chocolate chips!!!

Jason and Joanna said...

LOL oh Brayd man!!! He is such a monkey... definitely your boy :) And I'm pretty sure Porter and Ryan ARE his brothers, he just might be just like them- good luck! :) But yes, your Brayd man is freakin cute!