Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back and Forth, Up and Down, Side to Side......

Yes, that is how we roll! We WERE so confused in our lives but have now made a commitment to stay in one place. Our one place IS Washington Utah. My poor kids have been so good to understand that we need to follow dad around and do what we need to do. If anything through this mess we have realized, and I hope I have taught my children that as long as we are together life will be just GREAT!!
I am very excited to stay here and to have Aaron move home:). We are all done being separated. The kids are excited to see their dad everyday and I am excited to sleep next to my man.
Welcome Home Baby, I Missed You So, So Much!!


Heather said...

I am so freakin' happy about this decision. I think it's the best one yet, besides inviting us to Vegas that one time. I'm so glad to have you home, seriously. Love you and your family so much!

Melissa said...

What!? You guys crack me up. I'm glad you're staying too...then you won't be quite as far to visit. Miss you tons!