On our 3rd Day in California we went back to both parks and did our favorite things-as well as took some must-have pictures that I didn't get on the first day because of my injured camera.

At the front where EVERYONE has to get a picture!

Just my little family in front of the HUGE Christmas tree.

Grandma and Grandpa too.

Grandma and Grandpa with the kids.

I really like back pictures.
So kandid.

Porter pushed Brayd until he ran over grandma for the 5th time.
Then I had to take over.
-I did run her over once too. Whoops!-
Our first ride of this day was Autopia.....We thought it was going to be a crazy day because we had to wait in line for like an hour. However, that seemed to be the only ride that was busy. We were able to pretty much walk on any other ride we wanted to.

Grandpa and Porter heading out on the highway!

My little man driving.

Brayd and I were companions.
Good Boy for not taking your eyes off the road, Brayd:)

Grandma and Madi waiting for us.

Brayd and I.
We then headed over to Toon Town to see if we could see anyone exciting.

Brayd seeing if anyone was home.

Brayd the jail-bird.

Pulling on the scary electrical door.

Cute Christmas Tree.

Porter got a wave from Minnie Mouse.

We were even there on Mickey's 82nd Birthday!
So we got a picture:)
Ry will hold onto Mickey's finger.

Dad and Brayd at the "Chipmunks" house.
They weren't home, in case you were wondering...

Grandma and Madi riding the roller-coaster.

Going Up, Up and Up!

And Porter lost ANOTHER tooth
-we left the other one in Toon Town-

A hug from Goofy
Ry is in there-just hiding.

Goofy is cute.
So are the kids!
A horsey ride...

Ry has a hard time looking at the camera.
There are too many people to look at.

One with me too!

Donald Duck.
Ry was a naughty and grabbed his bill.
I was embarrassed!

Minnie with the kids.

Just Minnie and Madi:)

This Cat from Pinocchio came right up behind Brayd and scared him!
Brayd thought it was funny!

Then we got a picture with the "good guys"
The silly cat still harassing!
Then we headed back over to California Adventure.....

We had to take pictures in the different letters, of course!
They did "R" for Ryan.

Then the "O" because they all fit nicely in it.




And Brayd!
The big kids wanted to go on the roller coaster again so Aaron, I and the baby boys headed to the swings.

"4" is how many times these boys went on the swings.
Then they went some more....
Grandma and Ry.

Brayd and Grandpa.
And Madi.

Then we met back up with Aaron who had been on the phone. He actually didn't spend very much time on the phone. I was impressed!

I can't believe that Porter is getting big enough to give piggy-backs to Brayd.

Grandma has a sweet-tooth!
The kids loved the cotton-candy she bought!
There was a little performance of "High School Musical 3" while we were there. Some of the group stayed to watch it but I was looking for a sweatshirt. When I met up with them, they told me that Madi had been pulled up on stage....
She was the star of the show!

The girls all cheered for her.

Everyone danced around her!

Getting all the attention!

I think Madi was pretty proud of herself:)

Brayd had lots of turns of being on Grandpa's shoulders.
Brayd felt pretty special!
We had lots of fun!! We were so happy to have Grandma and Grandpa Smith join us on our little vacation. It was very nice having a couple extra adults.
The next day we got up,

Packed up. Madi couldn't even keep her eyes open:)

Had some breakfast and went home!
Happy To Be Home:)