Sunday, February 27, 2011

Anniversary Trip To San Diego

My baby loves me so much that he planned a sweet vacation to San Diego with our Best Friends!! We pretty much were planning to go by ourselves, but Aaron knows that I know "The More The Merrier". So less than 48 hours before our departure-we really did pretty much fly on the way home" Aaron invited Brent and Heather to come with us. They were able to pull it off, thanks to some very generous people-Lyndsi and Tonya:) Joanna was very kind to watch my kids also. She's such a good sister.
The party started as soon as we got in the car at 5:00 Sunday night. We made it to Anaheim at about midnight and crashed!
Monday February 21, 2011
This day was by far the most adventurous for me. We woke up, took a picture....
Such an awesome view.
Got some breakfast, drove to Mission Bay and went rollerblading on the Boardwalk!!
All ready to be my graceful self:)
So Romantic!!
As we were rollerblading along with the wind in our hair, just having a wonderful time. This happened...
All I know is I started falling, recovered, then landed HARD!
This hard...
And this hard!
I'm so thankful for my "glorified butt-wiper" She made me feel all better! However, I did want to punch her in the face when she put the numbing wipe on my elbows.
Yes, I did get back up and keep going.
Aaron even wiped the blood off my shorts-I didn't wet myself.
It was so fun that I couldn't let a few scrapes hold me back.
A little picture, all fixed up with the palm trees in the background.
After we had all the romance we could handle, and I knew my elbow was broken-not really, but it felt like it. I figure my arm took the brunt of the landing. It was now time for some delicious lunch! With a most delicious cookie for dessert! Just ask Heather:)
We checked into the Trendwest in San Diego that day. Did some shopping, got ready for dinner, bought some first-aid supplies and sinus medicine-because we are old! Then went to dinner at P.F. Changs.
We all ate way too much and did too much talking:) and still had time to wonder about the relationship of the 2 girls sitting at the next table over.....?
To end the night we, well they, sat in the hot tub and we went to bed!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011.
Mexico, here we come!
First we needed some breakfast. I caught this picture of Aaron, it is what he was doing MOST of the trip...
My sick baby.
At home all the kids were puking. I'm glad this is what I had to deal with.
Thanks again Jo!
We THOUGHT Mexico would be fun. Looking back it was FUNNY!!
Aaron and I standing next to each other in different countries.
Brent and Heather doing the same.
Aaron trying to get us some cheap blankets.
Cute little bums:)
These guys were just mauling Aaron. I don't think he realized it, but he was just teasing these guys like crazy. Just sitting there with his money out.
We found this cute little ice cream stand, so we got some.
They were squared ice cream scoops.
Pretty cool!
Aaron dropped his money right in the ice cream here. He thought the cover was on it.
What a Monkey!
All our goods from Mexico.
We ended up with 2 Toy Story Blankets, 2 Piggy banks, 1 Fanta, 1 Ice Cream Cone, 5 pieces of gum and a little bag of the most delicious Churros EVER!! All for Pretty Cheap.
I even had a bum arm:)
On our way out of Mexico we had to deal with a stupid lady that was just miserable to be alive. Heather and I were both talking on our phones when this big 'ol lady came up and asked us if we wanted to go back to Mexico! We were so confused and soon found out she didn't want us on our phones. There were no signs or anything! Heather got angry and voiced her opinion. It was awesome!
Aaron then got sent to a line where they had to question him. Apparently there was someone, somewhere in the U.S. that had the same birthday and a SIMILAR NAME that had a restraining order against him from his ex-girlfriend. I don't think I have ever been happier to see Aaron than I was when he walked back in to the U.S.
That night we met up with Chase and Mitch and went to a delicious little seafood restaurant right on the pier. Yes, it was pretty good!
First we got some pictures.
Now one a little closer.
With my gut hangin' out!
Cute Boys!
My Baby and I!
That night we went to the opening of the B.R.P. show. Then headed to downtown to find something to do.
The boys got deep tissue massages.
It was SO funny, they were screamin' like little girls!
Not a very good picture, but you get the idea.
Check out their eyes!
Heather and I got educated on what a detox was.
Definitely NOT worth 30 bucks to us!
Heather and I did have fun wandering the mall with these boys.
Good Times!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My baby and I overlooking the pool area at the Sheraton in San Diego, where we stayed.
So relaxing!
Aaron had some meetings to go to.
Heather, Brent and I tagged along to one, then met up with Chase and Mitch to go to the beach again.
My Man and I.
Such good Friends!
Heather and the boys.
You're welcome Heather:)
Just the boys and the ocean.
No, Chase didn't normally cuddle up to Mitch like the picture portrays.

This time as we strolled the boardwalk, I thought I would be a little less adventurous.
And grab a Bike!
Aaron was still so cute in his rollerblades.
Mitch was on a longboard, Heather, Brent and Aaron were on rollerblades and Chase and I did the bike thing.
I quite liked it!
Check out my baby's skills!
He's still hot to me:)
That night for the closing of the B.R.P. show they had a casino night.
Mitch taught us all how to play Craps.
It was pretty fun!!
The night ended up being VERY long, but VERY worth it! Brent won us a 400 dollar voucher to the hotel. It was AWESOME!!
I should have gotten a picture of him with it.
I forgot.
Thursday, February 24, 2011.
This day was VERY relaxing. We slept in until noon, got some food at the hotel to use up some of the voucher. Thanks again Brent and Heather:)
Then we went and got a REAL pedicure.
Some nice R&R for the ladies.
So nice!
My toes look retarded, but at least my nails are cute.
With flowers too.
We then went to see a movie. Aaron wanted to see Unknown.
I didn't.
So, Heather and I went to "Just Go With It". So cute!
Don't see it with children or parents-or grandparents. It gets a little awkward.
All ready with our Dr. Pepper, popcorn and raisenettes.
Aaron with his arm around Brent.
Such cheesers.
Our last dinner at Hard Rock Cafe'.
Friday, February 25, 2011.
This day it was time to go home.
Aaron had an auction he and Brent needed to go to. Heather and I had some good shopping to get in, in the coolest mall ever! Too bad we didn't have more room or money:(
When Aaron is ready to be home, he wants to be home!
At this point I believe he was going 110!
The trip was awesome! The company was better!
Thanks so much Baby for the 10 year anniversary trip!
I wonder what is next.....

Friday, February 18, 2011

We Won!

My dad is good at calling in the anniversaries of his kids. Well, we got called in on Wednesday for our anniversary. Then on Friday, my dad called and told us we had won for the week! I was so excited to go pick up the pie and flowers we won and take them to my baby.
I should have taken a picture of Aaron's face when I walked in with flowers and told him they were for him. He looked at me very funny!
He was excited for the pie though!
After I told him I hadn't just spent 25 dollars on some flowers for him and that we won them he was a bit relieved.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ry and Brayd have been taking swim lessons from the same girl that Madi and Porter did. We love her, she's just the best teacher. So cute and so nice! The other day we took the kids swimming at Summit and Ry and Brayd are getting so brave.
They would jump in without life jackets, we were right there of course. They would swim by themselves too.
They scooted around on these noodles for awhile.
Aaron has been swimming so he was in with the kids.
Just for the record, I don't get in.
Yep, that's Porter.
Aaron would carry the babies and the other two would chase him around and be angry. Aaron thinks he is so funny!
They did catch him.
I love my family!