Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good Times!!

For Brianne's birthday her and Chase came South to celebrate. We loved having them come and had some good times with them while they were here. Before we headed our for our night on the town we went to Aaron's work and picked up some scooters. We then headed to Sakura for some Sushi. The food was of course delicious!
This wasn't even our chef but he was crazy and wanted a picture with Chase and Brianne.
My baby and I on our scooter.
And a little closer.
So we went on this awesome scooter ride and went up a hill that was way too steep for the scooter that Chase and Brianne were on. Chase totally had to get them up the hill with his legs.
It was hilarious to watch!!
He made it!!
And Chase's garments are too long:)
It was tons of fun and we love to have visitors!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Oh Porter!

Porter wants to be big so bad! At the same time he thinks he is already so big!
Porter asked Aaron if he could park the dodge in the back of the shop.
Aaron said "YES!!"
I said "WHAT???"
Well, it happened. Porter had to drive it to one side of the lot at Moto Zoo, turn around and park it on the other side behind the gate.
Look how little!
Then he had to stop so I should get a good shot.
I have learned when to keep quiet and let Aaron be the judge on certain things. I don't want to be the "mean" mom. Hopefully one of my children don't get seriously injured by Aaron's decisions:)
He's just half the legal age!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dixie Round-up!

For as long as I can remember I have gone to the rodeo with my family. So, the tradition continues and we continue to go with our babies. It is VERY unlikely that Aaron, I and our kids stay for the whole time. We usually leave around "half-time".
My cute babies.
Aaron, I and our baby Ry!
Carter loved playing with Ry's face.
Ry is so patient with little ones.
Good Times at the Dixie Round-up!!
Until next year.....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brayd and Os.....

Brayd loves Os Man but the feelings are not always mutual.....The poor little pup is always getting harassed Brayd. I guess that's what happens when you are the only one littler than the littlest:)
Os does have a lot of patience.
Hang in there Os.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Brayd's 1st Day Of School

My Brayd thinks he is getting to be such a big boy!! He now goes to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. He is gone just 10 minutes shy as long as Ry is. Brayd and I do have Monday and Friday mornings home together. Ry doesn't really like that though.
My Big 'Ol Brayd!
Ry wanted a picture too.
Such good pals.
Except Ry wanted a silly one but Brayd didn't so he is mad.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Swimming With The Smith Family

This year for Labor Day some of the Smith Family came down to hang out. We had to do some swimming and watch Porter do flips in the pool! It was good times and the best part is that the kids sleep GOOD!!
My little swimmer Brayd!
Hanging in the hot tub.
Baby Jayci's first float in the pool with her Dad and Mom.
We do love our pool!