Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rice Pudding Baby!!

It is a tradition in Denmark to have rice pudding at Christmastime. So, since Aaron and Russ both served their missions in Denmark we have brought that tradition to St. George.
In years past we have always just made the quick and easy stuff. This year Aaron requested the REAL stuff. So, Nicole looked it up online for us and we made sure we had all the stuff to get to work on Sunday.
On Sunday we started this little-big project at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. By the time the pudding was done it was 8 o'clock that night. I do have to admit it was quite the process but the fun was just beginning. Next we hide a whole almond in the pudding and whoever finds it gets a surprise.
This is how much pudding we had.....
Yes, it was ALOT!!

To let you know just how big this bowl is, it was 50 inches in diameter. Which is 11 inches bigger than Jo's evergrowing tummy at the moment!

These were all the participants. We hid two almonds for the little kids to find.

These two were the winners......

Yep, Alan and Madison! They each got a ten dollar gift card to Target. Alan has won every year since we started doing this 3 years ago so he was such a kind brother and let Connor have his surprise. He is such a good brother!

Then it was the adults turn....Jason is the only person missing because he was out keeping a look out for our city. Thanks Jason!

And, these were the two winners for the adults.....

Way to go dad and Heather they each got a gift certificate to go out to eat. Heather got Chili's and my dad got Outback.

The rice pudding was quite the project this year, but Aaron did say it was the best rice pudding he has ever had so that made it all worth it. Besides, Rice Pudding is a very fun tradition to have!

Merry Christmas All!!


The McInnes Family said...

It's a pretty fun tradition that we have going on. Thanks for starting it! Even though I do not like rice pudding this stuff wasn't too bad. Paul loved it. I was pretty excited to win. Sorry I picked that one Bud! Your good luck must have rubbed off on me!

The Key's said...

The rice pudding was delicious! THANKS! Next year I will be there to help you make it :) Promise! Thanks for such a fun tradition. I sure know Russ loves it too. He thinks it's the best stuff EVER!

Tobler's said...

What a fun tradition! That was way yummy rice pudding (Jo shared some with me :))
That bowl is the biggest bowl I have ever seen!!

Jason and Joanna said...

ya uhh... that bowl is extremly large. I wonder if they are available to purchase anymore- since mom and dad have had that thing since FOREVER! Good work on the rice pudding, and I still think I should have won, my heck, I ate 3 cups of that stuff and didn't win.... maybe that's why I'm almost the size of that there bowl. Thanks for the tradition though, it is fun!

Lyndsi said...

Umm... will you make Brent some!? He wants me to make it and I told him no! :) haha! You are a great wife...