Friday, December 11, 2009

We Made It and Life is Great!

I don't have any pictures to go along with this post because I am at Cycle City and I can barely figure out all the picture stuff on my own computer so there's no way I would be able to do it on a different computer.
As I said in the title, Life is Great. I really do like this little city. I did meet the Relief Society President in my ward and she is very nice. She brought us some oranges last night and by the time the kids got home from school and had their afternoon snack they were all gone. I guess I should buy them once in a while.
Our house is pretty much put together-well with the furniture we have:). The upstairs stays rather warm but the downstairs doesn't stay very warm at all! We walk around in our coats and scarfs EVERYWHERE! I even keep a pair of gloves in the car so I can put them on while driving. It really is super cold up here but it's fun to look outside and see the pretty white ground.
Madison and Porter are NOW enjoying their new school. Porter had a rough first day. He told me he cried at school and didn't answer a couple of boys when they asked if he wanted to be their friend. That night he came to my room and was crying hysterically telling me he didn't want to go to school the next day. I told him to go in and go to sleep and we would talk about it in the morning. I was hoping he would forget about it and after sleeping he would feel better and forget that he didn't like school. Well, no such luck. After telling him he could go "underground" when he got home from school, telling him I would buy ice cream and cones AND threatening that the state would make him go live with people that would make him go to school; he finally agreed to go back to school.I was very happy that after school he was happy and told me he liked school again. I did find out today that he did cry the first two days of school but he didn't today. That's a step in the right direction.
Madison is one of 5 girls in her class of 13! Yep, now I understand why the office was excited when I called to tell them I had a 2nd grader being transferred to their school. Madison's best friend is Victoria, but she goes by Tori. She hangs out with all the girls in her class though and remembered their names after the first day of school. She is really liking school as usual and tells me her spelling words are too easy. Porter tells me the same thing. Let's be honest though, we live in Idaho.
Ry, Brayd and I just hang out together. We take Aaron lunch at noon, pick up the kids at 3:20 and have dinner done by 6. It's nice to have the days broken up a bit but still have time to do things.
This morning after putting away ALL my food storage I went up stairs and was laying on my "mattress" when Ry came up and our converstion went something like this....
Ry: Mom, what are you doing?
Me: I'm having a rest.
Ry: Well, you have to baby-sit your kids.
Me: Will you baby-sit for me?
Ry: I'm not going to baby-sit Brayd!
My Ry is such a good boy. Then Joanna called me so I had to get out of bed anyway. Thanks Jo:)
We did have quite the adventure driving up and it was definately a move I won't forget soon but it went well and was quite entertaining. I will have to post about that later when I have the pictures because the pictures really do speak a thousand words!
I miss everyone back home but I am still really excited to be on this roller coaster ride with my little family. I know we will grow closer as a family-if Aaron doesn't kill us all first-and it will be a growing experience for us all!
Watch for the post "I Made it to Heyburn with a Trailer in Tow." No guarantees it will be anytime real soon but it will come!


Kali said...

What a fun adventure for you guys! Glad you made it safe! Your family pic is SO cute! Hope things continue to go well up there and DON'T FREEZE!! :)

Heather said...

I've been thinking of you a lot. I'm sorry I haven't called but I spent all week with a terrible migraine, one shot and 7 lortab larter and a muscle relaxer and I'm finally back to normal. I'm glad you are liking things and that the kids are getting to like school. Tell Porter to hang in there. Tell Madison I miss her like CRAZY!!!! Bonnie, I already miss you, but I'm glad that things are going well. I love ya!

Jason and Joanna said...

well, i think that is very sad about Porter's school. Poor kid. Even though he can be real crazy, I do miss him. He is a good boy.

ya, so I'm still not gonna lie- and my opinion still hasn't changed- this is lame. But, it kinda feels like you are still here since I call you a million times a day ;)

Well, I miss you- and your family, can't wait to see you guys next week!

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

So that is weird... I just came to check on your blog and I look at your family picture of the top and I thought thats cute but someone is missing... Hmm...interesting. Oh well hope things are going great!!!


I am glad Porter is doing better. Kids get over things like that pretty quick. I love that you threatened that somebody would take him away and force him to go to school. That sounds like something I would say to Jordan. Glad you are getting settled and happy. Love tha fam pic. So cute as always. I will call to check up on you. Try to stay warm!

HeatherStout said...

I'm glad you guys made it safe and sound. Poor Porter:( At least those boys asked to be his friend!