Friday, May 20, 2011


So, I have 3 boys.....with that comes lots of fun, adventurous activities-especially with Porter! We heard of this new, super cool place with lots of trampolines. So, we had to take the kids and try it out. We invited the West Family and had a great time!
First we had to try out this crazy game.
Aaron is so competitive!
Brayd finding his dad.
Ry giving it his best shot.
Madi and Heather getting ready.
Heather tried so, so hard.
Madi, not so much.
Ry and Parker trying again:)
Such good buds!
We then made it over to the tramps.
Brayd was super whiny.
I spent most of the time running from him.
Aaron bounced Porter so, so high!
Can you see Aaron's head?
I think Madi was yelling at me here.
Porter off the side tramps.
And Aaron.
Aaron and Porter had so much fun together here.
Aaron may be realizing how fun a goofy boy really is.
Brayd just whining.
Ry just followed Aaron around and bounced.
Our Bunch.
Ry sliding down the side after getting in trouble
for sitting on the top.
Sweet hair Madi.
Brayd finally left me alone for a minute.
Madi just being a girl.
Aaron and Porter were so cute to do backflips together.
I had a hard time catching them both in the air.
Porter in the air!
This was for sure a very fun night.
We will be back!!

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