Friday, September 16, 2011

Oh Porter!

Porter wants to be big so bad! At the same time he thinks he is already so big!
Porter asked Aaron if he could park the dodge in the back of the shop.
Aaron said "YES!!"
I said "WHAT???"
Well, it happened. Porter had to drive it to one side of the lot at Moto Zoo, turn around and park it on the other side behind the gate.
Look how little!
Then he had to stop so I should get a good shot.
I have learned when to keep quiet and let Aaron be the judge on certain things. I don't want to be the "mean" mom. Hopefully one of my children don't get seriously injured by Aaron's decisions:)
He's just half the legal age!

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a lucky guy! That is really so nice of Aaron, Porter will remember that Forever. I love it!!!