Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mr. Cam and Mrs. Kristele Waite

My cute sister-in-law Kristele got married!! She married the cutest guy named Cam Waite. They wanted a very simple wedding that I posted earlier but the day turned out Perfect for them.

My cute little family in the temple-whoops, we found out after we took this picture we weren't supposed to be taking pictures in the temple.
Porter wasn't looking at the camera but it's the best we could get.

My sweet Madison

My Tuff Porter

My Monkey Ry

My Baby Brayd

Brayd and Alex trying to keep warm by running around. Plus they are just two little boys with WAY too much energy!

I really cannot believe how much Madison loves her uncle Chase! He is so sweet with her and it only takes about ten seconds for Madison to cuddle up to him.

Aaron was so cute.....After I took a picture of Madison and Chase he said to me, "Do you want to take a picture of Porter staying warm?" I thought it was cute, so I did......

Aaron keeping Porter warm:)

Here is "The Group" Can you tell how freezing it was?
Just looking at this picture makes me shiver.

Aaron saw us all huddled together and told us to smile.
So, we smiled through the pain!

All the grand kids on the Smith side.
One more girl is coming in just a few weeks!
Good thing because we are being over taken by boys!

And now we add Grandma and Grandpa!
So Cute!

After the Draper Temple we headed to a Chinese restaurant for the dinner. It was very informal but I think just what Cam and Kristele wanted so it was great!

I think Brayd was worn out from all the running

The kids eating their dinners.

Aaron and The Bride!

Kristele with her sister-and me!
We did miss Brianne.

Alex and Brayd. Alex is six months older than Brayd and they get along great. They have a good time together!

And a hug!

The wedding was such a fun event and Kristele looked beautiful! I guess Cam looked o.k. Too!
Congratulations to Cam and Kristele
We Love You!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Silly Boys!

So Russ came up to check out the sweet city of Heyburn Idaho. Well, he was supposed to fly back that night but it turns out he missed his flight. Whoops!! So, he drove this sweet truck down to Salt Lake so he could get home faster the next morning and so he could bring the enclosed trailer to us that we are moving with. Well, It's a work truck, and it's sweet! So, it needed some work done on it. It was simple but I just think it's so funny when Russ and Aaron-well, mostly Russ, Aaron is the moral support, work on trucks at 11 o'clock at night in Wal-Marts parking lot IN Ogden.

See, Russ works and Aaron smiles:).

Oh, Aaron holds stuff too!

I really did luck out that these two get along so well! It's funny to think that Russ and Aaron were such good friends long before Aaron and I were.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Dinner and A Movie!

I'm pretty sure we have never gone up to spend time with Aaron's family without catching a movie of some sort.
For Family night we went to Chick-Filet. Aaron's favorite fast food restaurant ever!

This was in the mall where we ate the delicious food!

It's difficult to take a picture and get all four kids looking. So, most times I have to take two if I want them all looking at the camera.

After dinner we went to the movie " A Christmas Carol" in 3-D.
Aaron, Madison and Porter enjoyed it. Ry fell asleep and Brayd and I shopped.
I think it worked out great because we were all doing what we love. Except for Brayd maybe.

After the movie Aaron needed some Cinnabon. So, we got some and the kids enjoyed their midnight snack:). Not really, but it felt like it.

I love that Aaron and my babies love movies!! Especially when they are in a mall and I get to shop!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Shopping For Kris

My cute sister in law chose for her wedding to do her own little thing. She didn't want anything traditional. So, if it's been done at a wedding, it wasn't done at hers. She did agree to have a couple of showers, but, they were gift card showers. Not just presents that she had to return.
So, all the sisters got together and we went shopping for her outfit she wanted to wear after she got out of the temple.

At the Gateway Brrrrrrrr!!!
Cute Scarf and Gloves :).

The boys sitting patiently while the girls shopped!!
Brayden, Parker and Alex (Kara's Boys).

We had a lot of fun and we ended up finding her a very cute outfit!!
Good Work Girls!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So Much Fun at Grandma

As We were up doing "business" Grandma Smith gave Ryan his presents for his birthday. She usually mails them too the kids but since we went up the day after Ry's birthday she got to help with all the fun things she gave him.

Grandma had his package all wrapped up.

Then she helped blow up the balloons which is a must on a birthday!!

I think Ry's favorite was the bat full of bubble gum that he got. Maybe this is the reason for the 8 cavities this boy has!

We love Grandma Smith and the fun things she does!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ryan's Birthday

My baby Ry turned 4!
This is crazy how fast time flies by. It seems like only yesterday that My baby Ry was SCREAMING and the only thing that kept me sane was Bud rocking him and Aaron not screaming at me because the baby was screaming! I guess it was a good thing Aaron had/has a connection with Ry. It's no secret right?

Ryan was so excited to get a new bike for his birthday.
It's a Kawasaki kind.

He also graduated from his car seat and got a booster.
He thinks he is so big!

Here Ry is with all his presents.

We took Ry to McDonald's with some of his friends. He had such a good time and was excited to eat at McDonald's and play with his friends. What could be better for a 4 year old?

Ry with his good friends! Including Brenden and Bud. Bud was talking to Heather on the phone while she was in Labor with her sweet little baby girl Makayla Jo! She is such a cute little baby! Nicole also came for a bit in between meetings.

After the party was over we came home and Ry wanted to show off the presents his friends gave him so he lined them all up and asked me to take a picture. Along with the drinks he got that morning from his family.

That night of course we went to Pizza Factory because that is Aaron's favorite so, that is Ry's favorite too! Plus, Ry got a free 4!

Ry with his 4 and his flat hair.
What the heck?

Then we got a family picture!

And, we are white trash!
No candle, just a lighter. Ry didn't care though, so whatever!

My big boy Ry is such a good little fella. I love how he takes care of Brayd and they play so good together-Most of the Time!
Even though Ry was a monkey-with the crazy hair and everything-when he was born he has slowly become better. We love our baby and Ry and are so glad he is in our family


Saturday, November 14, 2009

THE BIG "29"

Wow, I can't believe this is my last birthday in my 20's! That is a bit scary but at the same time doesn't seem THAT old to me.
My birthday was a good one this year, just like most of them have been. Aaron is very good to me and spoils me! This year I got to enjoy a little bit of my "birthday week" in Salt Lake with Russ and Nicole. Aaron had already bought me an outfit to wear on my birthday complete with shoes and jewelry. Then I got a different pair of pants. I quite like "Silver" jeans from Maurices:). Then on my actual birthday I got this present.......

The kids enjoyed doing this.......

While I got excited to cook with these.....

Yes, this present did make me feel old. I always thought it was funny when my mom got dishes for her birthday. Well, I am turning in to my mom!! That's o.k. though, I quite like her!
My sister-in-law Brianne was kind enough to watch the kids while Aaron and I did some Christmas shopping and went to the "Michael Jackson" movie. Yes, we did enjoy it and Aaron gained respect for the fella. Aaron though it was so funny how he could just start dancing as soon as the music came on.
After Aaron was shopped out and the movie was over we met up with Brianne and the kids. We took them to Wal-Mart to let the kids pick out presents for each other. We then went to enjoy some delicious Samurai.

I sure do love my family.
I have figured out in the last couple of days that these 5 other people in this picture with me are my life! I do love the many other family and friends that I am surrounded by, however, these are the ones that matter most to me. They are my world! I know I get frustrated and angry many times over in the day with these monkeys BUT my world would come crashing down if any one of them EVER left me. So, with that said please, Please, PLEASE don't ever leave me!!


Back to Samurai....
Brianne and Madison enjoying their deliciousness!!

Ry loves his food too much to look at the camera.

Oh my Baby Brayd! He was so cute when we first got to our table he said to me....."Mom, when I see da fire I will lay down." -In his English accent-
Sure enough when the fire was lit my cute little baby put his little head in my lap and hid from the fire.
After the fire was all gone he got back up and enjoyed the show!
When we were full on "food" we headed out to get an ice cream cake then go home and have some "cake and ice cream".

Big Breath.......


Just havin' a little cake!

And to finish off an excellent birthday we put up the Christmas tree and got out all our Christmas STUFF!!

I had a great birthday and I'm happy to be where I am in my life!! Thank you to everyone who thought of me on my birthday it makes me feel special:)


LOOK WHO'S 29!!!If you know Bonnie, this picture will not surprise you; It clearly shows her very outgoing personality!!
Just wanted to let you know how much we love and appreciate you. You are a great sister and an AWESOME aunt! We hope you have a fantastic day

(Just a little flashback of some good times!)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ossie Baby!

Our little Ossie baby got hit by a car about 3 weeks ago. It was a very sad couple of days but he is recovering well. The poor little guy has to wear this cast for about 2 more weeks but he seems to hobble around just fine on it. I love Ossie baby and so glad we decided to
"fix him up!"