Sunday, August 29, 2010


It's no secret that I am not the most graceful girl on earth, but come on, a gas pump nozzle landing on my middle toe?
I hope someday I acquire some grace, just for the sake of my poor body!
I tried to tough it out and didn't take any medicine for about 6 hours after I hurt myself. Until my sweet friend Heather got tired of listening to me complain about my toe and gave me 800mg of Ibuprofen. That sure did the trick and I haven't felt much pain since.
Except for when I put my high heels on to go to church. Gotta wear those high heels:)
Dr. Moss did tell me it looked broken but there's nothing I can do but tough it out-or milk it!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Girl and Her Dog...

It's not a secret that Madi just loves Ossie Baby! Madi decided that she was going to come down to our room this night and sleep. She made her bed, then Aaron had her come snuggle with us for a minute. By the time Madi got back down on the 'Diego Bed' Ossie had taken over her pillow. She kicked him off her pillow, but went and got him a different one. When we looked down on the floor a little while later we saw this.....
Yes, she got Ossie Baby a different pillow and he was happy to use it!
Now that's a 'Best Friend!'

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Rest Of Aaron's Birthday....

As you saw previously Aaron's birthday was a pretty relaxing day. I think that is just what he needed being he has been a very busy fella lately.
One more picture of the irrigation
Ry followed him EVERYWHERE.
I know that isn't much of a surprise....
When Aaron had his fill of watering we finally left the house and went to see "Other Guys". I didn't like it so much but Aaron was entertained. He always is at movies. We then picked the kids up from school and had an early lunch at Texas Roadhouse.
Cute boys....
After dinner we went home to have Oreo Pie and open presents.
Aaron trying out his WAY too expensive, but SO worth it sunglasses. I think he looks so good in them!
Aaron got a couple of pairs of shoes, a couple outfits, some Creme Soda, Cinnamon Bears-I think he still has some left:) then his sweet sunglasses.
I think Ry loves his daddy!
And some Pie!!
So, Aaron is 31 and I'm still in my 20's for about 2 months...I like to rub it in.
I love my baby and I am so grateful to him for how much he does for our family. I've missed him and will continue to miss him as he figures out his plans.


Does this REALLY look Healthy for our grass to YOU?
Or fun to do on your birthday?

Best Birthday Present EVER For My Baby!!

We really didn't have any plans for Aaron's birthday, but he has gotten the best birthday present ever-so he tells me:)
This is it......
Sure thing, our irrigation water started working and I couldn't have a happier husband!
He is flooding our backyard with secondary water. I asked him if it would kill it. To which he replied, "Oh no! This is the best way to water. We will have the thickest, healthiest grass around." O.K. Baby, Whatever makes you happy!!
This morning, before the kids left for school we had a grapefruit for Aaron with a candle and sang "Happy Birthday" to him.
I still haven't figured out how this boy can sleep through all the commotion in the mornings but some how he manages.
He is STILL flooding our backyard and every time I walk out there he tells me how much he LOVES it. Silly Boy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day Of School '10

With all the craziness in our lives the kids got to miss a week in a half of school. I was happy to have that extra time, but now that the kids are in school I love It!! I forget how nice it is to be on a schedule.
Porter's 1st day of 2nd grade.
Madi's 1st day of 3rd grade.
Ossie wouldn't get out of the picture.
Silly Boy!
Madi and Porter together.
So Big!
Oh, Ossie too.
Porter has Ms. Poulton.
Madi has Mrs. Saville.
They both seem to be nice teachers and I'm sure Madi and Porter will just do great!!
They are so excited to learn this year.
We found this little stand-up after dropping the kids off.....
Cowboy Ry.
Cowboy Brayd.
Then, we found the slide:)
Cute Boys!
I love my Family.
Good Luck with School Madi and Porter.
I know you will be the Best Examples you can Be!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back and Forth, Up and Down, Side to Side......

Yes, that is how we roll! We WERE so confused in our lives but have now made a commitment to stay in one place. Our one place IS Washington Utah. My poor kids have been so good to understand that we need to follow dad around and do what we need to do. If anything through this mess we have realized, and I hope I have taught my children that as long as we are together life will be just GREAT!!
I am very excited to stay here and to have Aaron move home:). We are all done being separated. The kids are excited to see their dad everyday and I am excited to sleep next to my man.
Welcome Home Baby, I Missed You So, So Much!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lake Powell Round 2

This year, I went to Lake Powell 3 times. Once with family and friends, once with just a few family members and once with friends-with still a few family members. This time we over on August 11th and came back August 15th. We went with Karen, Chase, Brianne, Taylor, Taylor's friend, Garrett and our little family. It was pretty chill and relaxing all while having a good time.
The first night we got to the dock the kids were introduced to Guitar Hero. They loved it and played it throughout the whole trip.
Madi and Porter rockin' it.
Chase and Brianne cheering the rockers on!
Aaron, Tay and Garrett trying to get the boat to stay where it belongs.
Brayd was SO big to walk in the water without us holding on to him. He did learn an even better trick on this trip also....
I just think it's so cute with all the kids in the lake with the boat.
Cute Boys getting the horseshoe court all ready.
My Baby in action.
Yes, Aaron and Chase did win this game against Tay and Garrett.
The boys decided to play a little horseshoes, so Brianne and I got in on the action.
It was fun!
When at Lake Powell my feet get so dry and cracked. So, every night I have Aaron rub lotion on my feet. This time the kids wanted in on the action!!
My so cute little man! I guess he didn't need his feet rubbed with lotion.
My beautiful Madi!
My crazy boys, Porter and Brayd.
Chase and Aaron got out there together and it was rather entertaining!
This was on their way down....
Just Chillin' in the water.
This was Brayd's other trick he learned...He learned that he could float with his life-jacket on, that he wouldn't sink! Just one more reminder that my baby is getting so big:(
Not quite sure why I took this picture, but I did!
Chase and Aaron are just a little competitive.
Aaron and Madi "bonding".
Taylor being such a good uncle and entertaining.
Ry and Brayd swimming together.
Madi with her two Buds for the trip.
Yep, too big!
Please Brayd, just stay little enough to always sit on my lap.
My baby getting ready to pull his mom up! Have I ever mentioned how much I love that this boy is capable of ANYTHING!!
Grandma Smith ready to ski...
Brayd still watching Grandma. She got up but had crappy water.
I love "brother"pictures.
So Cute!!
Whoa....doing such a good job!
What is with the random numbers?
I do not know.
Brayd loved Garrett and I think the feelings were mutual.

This takes serious concentration.

Garrett doing such a good job at entertaining-as always.
Every time they would crash they would have to talk about it of course.
Madi and Brianne.
This is such a beautiful picture of the cliffs at Lake Powell.
The boys aren't bad to look at either:)
When Aaron, Chase and Tay were satisfied with their experiences on the surf board they decided to throw Garrett in the mix. This is how they spent their time.

Porter and Ry are at the top and Madi is on her way down.
Like I said before....This trip was very relaxing. The kids had a great time and I heard several times they LOVE Lake Powell.
Thanks for buying a houseboat Baby!!