Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Bellies!

All of my babies are excellent eaters! They may cause problems for one.....but, for the other three that is just fine! Well, until they get to be fat old men.
After they had eaten their lunch they all wanted to show me how big their tummies were....

Those are cute tummies!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dr. Seuss Week

This week it is Dr. Seuss week for Madison and Porter. They can wear these sweet hats to school. Porter was very excited to get his and it fits his personality just PERFECT! Don't ya think? Madison still has hers from last year. It's conservative just like HER!

I love my Babies! Even though they give me stress!
About a year ago when my mom was moving out of her house she had this old Crib Mattress-or foam pad, whatever you want to call it. It's a pad that Christie-who is 20 now-use to sleep on when she was a baby. Well, Ry isn't very good at sleeping in his own bed so my mom was about to haul it off to THE DUMP when I told her I wanted it. She was very surprised but I was very serious.
I brought it home and got a mattress pad for it and a sheet. A Diego Sheet! It is now called his "Diego Bed".
Ry loves this bed and for a while he wouldn't sleep anywhere without it. When we spent the summer in Burley we even had to take it up there with us.
Every night I lay Madison and Porter clothes out for them to wear the next day. This way they can just bring their clothes down in the morning and I don't have to go upstairs. Well, Ry was feeling a little left out a couple of months ago so I started laying his out too.
Last night we had to take Aaron his soccer stuff so Ry fell asleep in the car for about 20 minutes. I thought he would just come home and go back to sleep after I put him in his bed. Well, about 10 minutes later he yelled my name so I went over by the stairs and this is what I saw....

Ry was hauling his bed downstairs! He said to me, "Mom, I put my clothes on my bed to bring them down too".

I love my baby Ry!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Latter-Day Prophets

Ry knows his Latter-Day Prophets!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby Ry!

Tonight as I was getting my babies ready for bed I read a poem to them out of the "Friend"magazine. The poem was about how to have a happy home. It talked about a little laughter, and joy. Along with Sharing.

After we said our family prayer I asked Madison about the poem to see if she was listening, Ry didn't give Madison much of a chance to answer so I never found out if she listened or not, but I know Ry did.

The conversation went something like this.....

Mom: Madison, How do we have happiness in our home?
Ry: By sharing.
Mom: What is sharing?
Ry: Like sharing our toys
Mom: Where did you learn that from?
Ry: Jesus Christ.

Seriously, what a cute little man! After he said that Joanna and I just looked at eachother, after being appalled for a minute Christie asked if that was Ry. We told her yes, and she said, "Wow, I thought that was Madison.

What A Cute Little Man!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day for my Baby!

A little over 8 years ago Aaron asked me to marry him! I said Yes of course. We were originally going to get married on March 9, 2001. Well, Aaron couldn't wait, and neither could I. So we moved the date up to February 16, 2001. After being married and realizing that our wedding date is REALLY close to Valentine's Day we decided that I would be in charge of planning Valentine's Day and Aaron would be in charge of our Anniversary. So far it has worked our really well.
For Valentine's Day this year I realized that the kids were old enough to participate and besides, they love doing things for him just as much as I do. My sisters and I were brainstorming last week and thought this up.....

I'm sad the picture turned our blurry, my camera was on the wrong mode. Brayd's little face looks so cute poking up above the poster board. This is what it said.....

Dear "Mr. Goodbar",
We are so glad you married our "mamba".
She knows you are the whopper of all "whopper's.
Even though sometimes we make it a "milky way"
You always "take 5" for your "sugar babies.

We "skore'd" the best dad Ever! There is never
a "gobstopper" to our fun! We always have "skittles"
of fun with you! Better than a shopping "spree".
We know our dad isn't a "milk dud".

You always do fun "twix" with us.
You are worth more than "100 Grand"
and you always keep the money "rolo"'n in for us.
We "crunch" at times, and "kit kat" and sometimes
are "airheads" but someday it will be your "payday".

You are an "almond joy" and we have "mounds" of fun
with you! Thanks for making "junior mints".
You were "York"(mint) to be our dad, and we were
"mentos" to be a family. You are "extra" special and
are raising "M&M"(mighty and marvelous) "starbursts".
You are our "lifesaver" and our "sweettarts".
Happy Valentine's Day Dad!

The kids were so excited to help put it together for Aaron and they did an excellent job presenting it!

We then gave Aaron his presents...

Ry took this picture of Aaron opening his new tie and Cuff links holder.

Here are the kids showing off what we gave him. Ry has a book, Porter has the tie, Cuff link holder and Cuff links, Brayd has the gift card to the Book Store and Madison has the other pair of Cuff links.

After presents we went to lunch with the kids then to find a new bedspread for the new bedroom set Aaron bought me-I LOVE IT- I'll post picture of it later. That night we went to a movie and dinner-Aaron's favorite thing to do.

It was a very fun Valentine's Day!
I love Aaron so much. He is such an amazingly intelligent person and an even better provider and husband. He loves our babies and sometimes I have to calm him down while he is getting the them excited! Especially at bedtime.
I am So thankful for him and ALL that he does for our little family.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Madion's haircut

Madison was looking at some pictures of herself when she had short hair. She told me she wanted to cut her hair again. Our sweet hairdresser Josie cut her hair to her neck just before she went to kindergarten. I liked it but I wasn't ready to do it again.
We made an appointment and loaded up my 3 monkey men and Hailee, who was excellent the whole time, to take Madison to Josie. Madison and I negotiated back and forth and we decided on cutting a little bit off the back and cut her bangs.
After Josie was done, Madison just kept looking at herself in the mirror and smiling--that is how I know she liked the finished product.
After we got home Joanna came to pick up Hailee and we noticed that Madison's hair is cut a lot like her aunt Jo's now.

Well, isn't that cute?

Cute hair Madison, you are beautiful! Oh yeah, and Jo too. Don't ya think?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The other day Porter had Corbin and Carter over while Madison had Kinzlee playing. Oh, and Ry was tagging along with them all too. So, I made Porter's favorite food, we call it pink stuff. It has Jello, Cottage Cheese and Cool Whip in it. We think it's delicious.
When I asked all the kids if they wanted some they of course agreed and all got excited!

Then..........they tried a couple of bites and this is what happened.....

The only one that actually liked it was Carter, that's a good boy. Porter ate the rest and all the other kids ended up with Cheesecake.

Cute Kids!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Potty Training AGAIN!!

So, here we are going at it again! Aaron and I have been married almost 8 years and have potty trained 4 kids. That is a little overwhelming when I think of it that way. Especially because for a few of them it took like a year to catch on to the process.
Brayd is doing a lot better than I expected. He started acting interested in the potty around Christmastime. I attempted for a day but then decided with the holidays I didn't want to deal with it then. Well, I decided to get this sweet potty watch that I was told about. I didn't expect Brayd to really take to it but he has. Every time it sings he looks at it and shows me it, then willingly goes to the potty.

He is so dang cute in his underwears. Things are going good. Every time I put him on the potty he goes. He hasn't gotten down the telling me has to go yet, or the pooping part. But, I am determined to be patient and let him go at his own speed.
He'll get it!!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Moss and Bud are parents!

I'm a bit slow at this post but better late than never I guess. Bud got induced to have her baby on January 27, 2009. She did just great!! It's kind of nerve racking but everything ended up being just fine and they are doing just perfect at being parents.

Ah, he already knows this is his favorite Aunt! And Moss' dad in the background.

Good Job Bud!! You did great and Congratulations to Moss also.