Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby Ry!

Tonight as I was getting my babies ready for bed I read a poem to them out of the "Friend"magazine. The poem was about how to have a happy home. It talked about a little laughter, and joy. Along with Sharing.

After we said our family prayer I asked Madison about the poem to see if she was listening, Ry didn't give Madison much of a chance to answer so I never found out if she listened or not, but I know Ry did.

The conversation went something like this.....

Mom: Madison, How do we have happiness in our home?
Ry: By sharing.
Mom: What is sharing?
Ry: Like sharing our toys
Mom: Where did you learn that from?
Ry: Jesus Christ.

Seriously, what a cute little man! After he said that Joanna and I just looked at eachother, after being appalled for a minute Christie asked if that was Ry. We told her yes, and she said, "Wow, I thought that was Madison.

What A Cute Little Man!


Tobler's said...

He is such a smart little man!

The Key's said...

And that's when you know you and Aaron are great parents!! (and the rest of your fam are great aunts and unlces) How smart is Ry? That's the cutest thing!!

Jason and Joanna said...

he is a cute little guy! you forgot to mention that he is the one that said the prayer and he blessed that they would share. :) just thought I would add my 2 cents :)

Melissa said...

He is such an adorable boy! I forgot to tell you that he sang "Latter-day prophets" for me in Sunbeams on Sunday! HE KNOWS THE WHOLE THING! I was blown away! He was so happy that I was so happy! I made him sing it again. I love it when he says, "David. OOOO-O Mckay!" He is so dang smart! I hope you have it on video. You need to post the video of him singing it. So cute!