Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Potty Training AGAIN!!

So, here we are going at it again! Aaron and I have been married almost 8 years and have potty trained 4 kids. That is a little overwhelming when I think of it that way. Especially because for a few of them it took like a year to catch on to the process.
Brayd is doing a lot better than I expected. He started acting interested in the potty around Christmastime. I attempted for a day but then decided with the holidays I didn't want to deal with it then. Well, I decided to get this sweet potty watch that I was told about. I didn't expect Brayd to really take to it but he has. Every time it sings he looks at it and shows me it, then willingly goes to the potty.

He is so dang cute in his underwears. Things are going good. Every time I put him on the potty he goes. He hasn't gotten down the telling me has to go yet, or the pooping part. But, I am determined to be patient and let him go at his own speed.
He'll get it!!



Jason and Joanna said...

Good job Brayd! What a good little man!!

Keisha said...

You are such a cute little mom bonnie!Brayd good job! He is cute!

Tobler's said...

Good Job! That is so awesome! I wish Cooper would finally catch on! haha almost there.... I guess I just have to be more patient! :)

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

So very cute! Brenden and I will probably move in with you when its time to potty train him since you are so good at it:) Thanks for being a great aunt!

The Key's said...

That watch is the cutest thing! After you had left for your meeting last Sunday - it went off and Brayd ran up to me and showed me his watch - so Aaron came and got him and took him to the bathroom - it was the cutest thing!! He loves that watch :)