Thursday, September 25, 2008

Uncle Moss is the smartest person Madison and Porter Know......

The other day the kids and I were driving in the car and we were having a conversation. It went somewhat like this.........

Madison: Mom, how many worlds are there?

Me: I'm not really sure.

Porter: Oh, I think there are google-plex. (A word Dr. (Uncle) Moss taught my kids)

Madison: Oh yeah, I think so too. What do you think Mom?

Me: Maybe?

Madison: Can you call Moss and ask him?

Me: Maybe I can just ask him next time I see him.

Madison: No, just call him now.

I didn't end up calling him-in fact I still don't know, so Bud, if you could ask Moss that would be greatly appreciated. Or maybe you know? Maybe everyone knows but me. WHATEVER!

I asked Madison a couple of weeks ago who was the smartest person she knows. She told me Moss, because he reads ALL the time.
This is so true! He does read all the time, and knows EVERYTHING It is amazing how little kids figure things out.

Thanks for knowing everything Moss!!! This way I don't have to.

And THANK YOU BUD for marrying such a smart guy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A fun trip to Texas

The day after the rodeo Aaron and I left to meet some real Cowboys and Cowgirls in Texas! That is where the Kawasaki show was this year. I told Aaron that I would start traveling with him once Brayden was a year old. Well, He's now one-in-a-half so I have run out of excuses. We had a lot of fun and it was really good for us spend some time together.

We stayed at the Gaylord Resort in Dallas. It was amazing and I loved the atmosphere!! The first time we came down to the common area to go to the opening dinner I saw this man sitting and totally thought he was a statue. I was staring back at the thing and some guy walked by and touched his hat. The "statue" pulled his head back and freaked the guy out. It was pretty entertaining.

I know you can't really tell by pictures, but seriously, his face is painted and everything!! Would you even think he is real?

Do we look sweet? I guess the new Teryx that Kawasaki is putting out is supposed to be pretty sweet. They let us demo them, and of course you have to be "safe" right? It was cool I guess..... Sometimes I like to act a little high maintenance. We got up to the machine and of course the seat is all dusty. So, I thought I would be funny and point to the seat and say, " Uh, Aaron could you wipe my seat off? It's all dusty!" You should have seen the looks I got. I'm standing there in my high heels, with my jewelry on, asking Aaron to dust off my seat. I did tell him I was totally kidding before he wiped it off. Everyone that knows Aaron knows that the dirty seat probably bothered him more than it bothered me.

That night we went to a baseball game with Aaron's sister, Aubrey and her husband Josh...The first Major league game I've ever been to. I don't even know the home team, whoever the Dallas team is. I do know they were playing the Angels? Whatever, that's not important. The tickets to get in were ten dollars each. We spent SIXTY DOLLARS on concessions. Can you believe that? There were 4 of us and we were starving! The game started at 7:05 pm. We got in to the game at 8:15 and we left at like 9:30. Obviously our intention wasn't to actually watch the game, but more to hang out and have an experience.

Aaron took this picture....Sweet huh?

Josh and Aubrey....Josh loves his peanuts.

Josh took this picture-pretty candid huh? I look fat.

This one is a little better, but doesn't have our friend "The Cracker Jacks seller" in it.

Towards the end of our vacation we hooked up with Some friends that Aaron grew up by. They live in Texas and are some of the nicest people EVER!! We went to lunch at a nice Mexican restaurant, then to Aaron's friend David's and his cute wife's house, and ended up at their parent's house. It was great fun! We even had a delicious cake for Dessert!

We had lots of fun and I now realize that maybe we have enough kids so I can go on fun vacations with Aaron. I don't know, maybe I will change my mind after I get back from HAWAII in 2 weeks! Probably not.

Dixie Round-up

Every year growing up my parents would make sure we made it to the Dixie Round-up. It was always so much fun. My dad would pop a big 'ol bag of popcorn and put TONS of butter in it!! So much that it would be seeping out the bottom of the 5 paper brown bags that he put it all in. Still to this day he makes for sure that his six kids don't forget about the rodeo. He has given up on the popcorn but we will never forget about it.
Aaron isn't so much a big fan of the rodeo. He doesn't find the joy in it that the rest of us do. However, he humors me and comes with-even if it is only for a half hour.

Taking pictures of Brayd posing before the rodeo

He thinks he's SO funny

We didn't take a picture with all of us together at the rodeo, but I did get everyone.

Grandma, Madison and cousin Lex

Porter with cousin Alan

Uncle Jason, Aunt Joanna and Ry-with baby Hailee-you can't see her but she sure is making her mommy a Big 'Ol Momma!! Love ya Jo!

Nice face Brayd! With his Aunt Christie and Uncle Moss.

When Aaron went to Texas like 4 years ago he brought Madison and Porter back cowgirl and cowboy outfits. So, as the years have gone by we have passed Porter's outfit down to the babies. Ryan wore it last year and Brayd wore it this year......That explains why only he is dressed up. No, it's not because he is our favorite.............

What a cute little man.

Just leaving the rodeo, 30 minutes after it started. My big baby on the left was the one that was tired. Listening to him may have been worse than a screaming child!
I love you Baby!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Rainy Day in Sunny St. George?

Yesterday we had a crazy cloud burst. It just rained lightly for about 5 minutes then it really started coming down for about 10 more minutes. It was pretty crazy. In the middle of it all Porter looked at me a little freaked out and said, "What is That?" It was hailing! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I was actually letting them play in the rain. I know, I'm a bad mom. I just don't really like it when they aren't ready to go if we need to leave. After much thought I decided we weren't going anywhere for the rest of the night so I let them Have At It!

I don't think the smile on Porter's and Ryan's faces could get any bigger if they were in a candy store!

Brayden took cover in the Rhino. He thought it was a little too intense to actually stand in it. He just got the little random drizzles.

I guess it was worth letting the kids get all wet:)

My cute little man!

Brayden is at such a fun age I find myself taking pictures of him A LOT! He just does the cutest things....

He found Porter's shoes and put them on. I love his face in this picture. What a HAM! He will always keep us laughing. He might be just right for the baby of the family:{

A couple days ago Brayden was crying and I went around the counter and this is what I saw.....

His poor little head was stuck under the counter. I can't remember what he was trying to get but he wanted it bad!

Brayden loves Porter's hat. Ryan and Porter weren't really fans of hats. I tried putting hats on them but they always took them off. Brayden likes to keep them on and screams if someone tries to take it off him.

I love when he squats. so cute!

What a cute boy I have. He is such a good boy and is so happy. He is saying random words now.
Thank you
Aaron-which he yells. I guess that is the only way he hears it said-whoops
Goo Goo Ga Ga-this means water. We don't know how he learned this but at least we know what he means.
Up Please
Down Please
Then pretty much any word you ask him to repeat.
I love this age, and my Baby Brayd!

Soccer Games

On September 6, 2008 Madison had her first Soccer Game and Porter gave the sport, that Aaron loves so much, one more try.
Porter played soccer when he was three. We promised we would never do that to him or us again. The kid loves the dirt! Not kicking a ball. He would rather be skateboarding or riding his bike. With an engine or without, it doesn't really matter to him. Madison decided she wanted to try soccer so we agreed. Well, Porter wanted to do it again also. So we let him......He hasn't done bad, just not a star. I know, he's only 5, however when he gets on a motorcycle, or on a skateboard you can just see the pleasure in his eyes, not so much on a soccer field.

The funny thing is Aaron started playing soccer when he was 3. So, his whole high school and college career he was number 3. Do you see Porter's number? He didn't even choose it. The coach just handed it out. I keep telling Aaron it's a sign. He says, " Put 3 on his motorcycle!" Ok, that is probably a good idea.

Madison's number is 2. I thought she looked pretty dang cute. She's not so much the aggressive type but every time I ask her she tells me she likes soccer a lot. So, we'll let her keep going. Madison even scored a goal at her first game. If anything it gets us out of the house and doing something on Saturday mornings.

This is Madison with her cousin Lexi. Heather made cute bows for their hair. You can't see Madison's but they are cute.
Good Luck Madison and Porter!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where Did My Sweet Madison Go?

Mornings are CRAZY around the Smith house. All the kids are usually up by eight so I just scream all morning for them to get ready for school-I don't know how Aaron sleeps through it. On Tuesday morning Madison and Porter had finished eating breakfast and after we eat we put our dishes in the dishwasher right? The kids came into the bathroom where I was fixing hair and I asked them if they put their dishes in the dishwasher. Porter did, but Madison didn't. So, I asked Madison to go put them in. On her way to the kitchen she was mumbling something with her toothbrush in her hand. I asked Porter who she was talking to? He told me, "herself." I knew she wasn't very happy with me so I went out to the kitchen and asked her what she had said. She wouldn't tell me of course! So, I forgot about it. When it was time to get in the car I get this text from Aaron, who by the way has of course been in the middle of it all, trying to sleep. The text reads........Madison said,
"Why do we have to do everything? She doesn't even do one bit of anything. She leaves her shoes out.
I could not stop laughing after I read this. The funniest part to me is the last sentence. I had gone running that morning so I know she said it right when she walked by shoes. Madison really is so sweet and I really do wonder if I make her do too much. Yeah, she should put her own dishes in the dishwasher but was my asking her to do that just the end of her rope?
After we got in the car I told her what she had told me. She was shocked. She tried to get me to tell her who told me but of course I wouldn't. I can't give away my secrets. I need my kids to think I am going to find EVERYTHING out. After all, moms do right?

We were just having a moment.