Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My cute little man!

Brayden is at such a fun age I find myself taking pictures of him A LOT! He just does the cutest things....

He found Porter's shoes and put them on. I love his face in this picture. What a HAM! He will always keep us laughing. He might be just right for the baby of the family:{

A couple days ago Brayden was crying and I went around the counter and this is what I saw.....

His poor little head was stuck under the counter. I can't remember what he was trying to get but he wanted it bad!

Brayden loves Porter's hat. Ryan and Porter weren't really fans of hats. I tried putting hats on them but they always took them off. Brayden likes to keep them on and screams if someone tries to take it off him.

I love when he squats. so cute!

What a cute boy I have. He is such a good boy and is so happy. He is saying random words now.
Thank you
Aaron-which he yells. I guess that is the only way he hears it said-whoops
Goo Goo Ga Ga-this means water. We don't know how he learned this but at least we know what he means.
Up Please
Down Please
Then pretty much any word you ask him to repeat.
I love this age, and my Baby Brayd!


Jason and Joanna said...

lol Brayd is cute! I can't believe his head got stuck under the counter! haha- poor guy! Brayd is a cute man!

The Key's said...

what a sad day when I heard Brayd crying and we went over and saw his little head stuck under the cabinets - I have NO idea how he did that! haha ;)