Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where Did My Sweet Madison Go?

Mornings are CRAZY around the Smith house. All the kids are usually up by eight so I just scream all morning for them to get ready for school-I don't know how Aaron sleeps through it. On Tuesday morning Madison and Porter had finished eating breakfast and after we eat we put our dishes in the dishwasher right? The kids came into the bathroom where I was fixing hair and I asked them if they put their dishes in the dishwasher. Porter did, but Madison didn't. So, I asked Madison to go put them in. On her way to the kitchen she was mumbling something with her toothbrush in her hand. I asked Porter who she was talking to? He told me, "herself." I knew she wasn't very happy with me so I went out to the kitchen and asked her what she had said. She wouldn't tell me of course! So, I forgot about it. When it was time to get in the car I get this text from Aaron, who by the way has of course been in the middle of it all, trying to sleep. The text reads........Madison said,
"Why do we have to do everything? She doesn't even do one bit of anything. She leaves her shoes out.
I could not stop laughing after I read this. The funniest part to me is the last sentence. I had gone running that morning so I know she said it right when she walked by shoes. Madison really is so sweet and I really do wonder if I make her do too much. Yeah, she should put her own dishes in the dishwasher but was my asking her to do that just the end of her rope?
After we got in the car I told her what she had told me. She was shocked. She tried to get me to tell her who told me but of course I wouldn't. I can't give away my secrets. I need my kids to think I am going to find EVERYTHING out. After all, moms do right?

We were just having a moment.


Jason and Joanna said...

I really think that is so funny! I'm pretty sure you're goin to need some luck with her. She is so sweet, but good luck! haha! Love you Madi!

Anne said...

I can't believe your kids are so big! You've got a beautiful family!