Saturday, November 14, 2009

THE BIG "29"

Wow, I can't believe this is my last birthday in my 20's! That is a bit scary but at the same time doesn't seem THAT old to me.
My birthday was a good one this year, just like most of them have been. Aaron is very good to me and spoils me! This year I got to enjoy a little bit of my "birthday week" in Salt Lake with Russ and Nicole. Aaron had already bought me an outfit to wear on my birthday complete with shoes and jewelry. Then I got a different pair of pants. I quite like "Silver" jeans from Maurices:). Then on my actual birthday I got this present.......

The kids enjoyed doing this.......

While I got excited to cook with these.....

Yes, this present did make me feel old. I always thought it was funny when my mom got dishes for her birthday. Well, I am turning in to my mom!! That's o.k. though, I quite like her!
My sister-in-law Brianne was kind enough to watch the kids while Aaron and I did some Christmas shopping and went to the "Michael Jackson" movie. Yes, we did enjoy it and Aaron gained respect for the fella. Aaron though it was so funny how he could just start dancing as soon as the music came on.
After Aaron was shopped out and the movie was over we met up with Brianne and the kids. We took them to Wal-Mart to let the kids pick out presents for each other. We then went to enjoy some delicious Samurai.

I sure do love my family.
I have figured out in the last couple of days that these 5 other people in this picture with me are my life! I do love the many other family and friends that I am surrounded by, however, these are the ones that matter most to me. They are my world! I know I get frustrated and angry many times over in the day with these monkeys BUT my world would come crashing down if any one of them EVER left me. So, with that said please, Please, PLEASE don't ever leave me!!


Back to Samurai....
Brianne and Madison enjoying their deliciousness!!

Ry loves his food too much to look at the camera.

Oh my Baby Brayd! He was so cute when we first got to our table he said to me....."Mom, when I see da fire I will lay down." -In his English accent-
Sure enough when the fire was lit my cute little baby put his little head in my lap and hid from the fire.
After the fire was all gone he got back up and enjoyed the show!
When we were full on "food" we headed out to get an ice cream cake then go home and have some "cake and ice cream".

Big Breath.......


Just havin' a little cake!

And to finish off an excellent birthday we put up the Christmas tree and got out all our Christmas STUFF!!

I had a great birthday and I'm happy to be where I am in my life!! Thank you to everyone who thought of me on my birthday it makes me feel special:)


The McInnes Family said...

Looks like you had a pretty fun day! Happy Birthday! That's pretty funny that you put your Christmas stuff up already! You are crazy! Hope you enjoy your pans!

Jason and Joanna said...

looks like you had a good happy birt-day! ya, you might be our mom, but i think that's o.k.. ya, im pretty sure your life would come crashing down without your 5 monkeys. It's a good thing your with them FOREVER! I can hear Brayd saying that about the fire, so cute- he is a cute man, that's for sure! Welp, Happy Birthday!!!

The Key's said...

I'm glad you had such a fun day AND put up your Christmas stuff! It looks good! :) I'm glad you got to spend your special day with those you love most :) And I'm glad we got to share our birthdays together last weekend too!

Jessica said...

Happy birthday Bonnie! Hope you had a really great day with your family!

Heather said...

I'm glad that you had such a great birthday. You deserved it. You do have a great family and I'm glad that they spoiled you. Hey I have an idea, How bout you don't ever leave ME!!! Think about that!!!!!

Keisha said...

Looks like you had a fun birthday with your CUTE family! Way to go on putting up your christmas stuff!! Your tree is cute! Happy 29th Birthday!!

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

Holy cow I am craving Samuri now haha. I hope you had a great birthday! Yeah you are old...what are you going to do in the last year in the twenties? Have twins, I think you should do it haha! Hope Idaho is fun this weekend and you figure stuff out. I hope things calm down and you feel good about whatever you do:)

Kali said...

Happy (late) Birthday! Looks like it was a GREAT day! Happy someone else is putting up Christmas stuff! :)