Sunday, June 8, 2008

Smith Family Vacation to McCall Idaho

To start the vacation off we had to travel for like 12 hours to get to this sweet little town of McCall in Northern Idaho. And.....we were in the motor home. It was quite the drive. Madison, Brayden and I went up to my grandma's with my sisters and mom on June 1st. On June 3rd Aaron picked us up in Payson. He had Porter, Ryan and the motor home. As we started off we were pretty excited to go on a little family vacation. We arrived in sweet Burley that night and stayed at the "Burley House." We then woke up the next morning and headed to Boise. Which was about 2 hours from Burley, to where Nicole had flown into-she was kind enough to come and help try to control my zoo while we vacationed. After we picked her up we thought we were pretty close. Little did we know we had to drive up this canyon that took a car like 2 hours, but in the motor home took twice as long. I may be exaggerating, but PRETTY SURE I'M NOT! We got to McCall and it was raining. But, that was o.k. we just came from very warm weather in Southern Utah. Anyway, the vacation was fun and I was SO thankful Nicole was there. We didn't take much of a variety of pictures, but this is what we got.

The first night we were there we all headed down to the indoor swimming pool. I have come to realize the one trait Ry got from me was the fact that he's not so much a fan of the water.

It took some coaxing but we got Ry in the water for a picture.

Porter and Brayden are the fish in this family.
Cute Boys!!

The next day the sun was shining so we took advantage and went on a bike ride...
Here is the group.

Brayden was being pulled by Aunt Aubrey in this thingy that goes behind bikes....
He did good for awhile but kept touching Kennedy.

That's weird that Ry is with his daddy!!

Madison and I on the tandem bike. I love this bike, Aaron and I need to get one.
The only problem was, later on the vacation Porter got his foot stuck in the back spokes. He ended up obviously being ok, but it freaked him and I out!

This is how Ry, Brayd, Aaron and Porter came back.
The ride was too long on Porter's bike and Brayden got tired of the thing he was riding in.

We all, meaning like 20 of us, got in the motor home and found this pretty lake
Our Cute Little Family. I can't believe all my babies were looking at the camera.

Daddy's little girl

Ry looking at the waterfall. What a cute little man!

Thanks for all your help Nicole! I'm not so sure we would have survived without it.


The Egg-heads said...

Bonnie your family is so cute!!!! So let me get this straight, ANOTHER vacation? Talk about good times! Let us know when you head this way again so we can get together!

Jason and Joanna said...

that is a cute little picture of your family! how cute!