Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aaron's Race for "At Your Leisure"

Aaron and Casey were invite to have a little race on the 110cc motorcycles for the tv show "At Your Leisure. So, we all went out the Motocross track to watch him...
When we first got their the kids were so so hungry. Even though we had just eaten a half hour before getting there. While I was ordering their food I asked Brayd to watch my purse...
He's such a good boy!
I love how he was holding on to it.
Ry is so cute to just wander around and watch people.
He is such a people-watcher.
Hanging out with dad.
Getting ready to watch dad race.
All ready, the kids were a little nervous that he would embarrass them by not winning.
Aaron took off strong.
He is in the blue.
Still holding strong
Still in the lead.
Oh no, he's starting it loose it here.
The kids were getting sad at this point.
I had to remind them it was all for fun.
Let's be honest, Aaron doesn't ride much!
Then his bike died on him:)
At least he finished!
Good race baby!
You can only imagine the excuses he's giving now about all the reasons he didn't win.
It's o.k. baby, we still love you.
Thanks for letting us come watch!

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