Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Ry usually doesn't fall to sleep in the car and when he does I most likely wake him up because he won't go to sleep as easily as I would like him to. Today though, I thought he looked so cute when he fell to sleep with his sunglasses on....

Such a cute boy!!
While Aaron was away this week, he asked Porter to spray all the weeds. If he got it done they can go skim boarding this weekend, when Aaron gets back to town. I sent him out to spray away and looked out the window and saw this....
Porter really is a thinker, especially when it comes to figuring out how to do something easier than it seems.
I say this alot, but I love that I have boys that are becoming more capable every day!

1 comment:

Heather said...

How cute are those kids of yours? Porter cracks me up.