The day that we had been anticipating for 19 weeks now has finally come and we got to find out the gender of our sweet baby. It started the night before when we were discussing my upcoming Doctor's appointment. Porter asked me to please, please call him at school after my appointment to let him know what it was. I told him no way because I wanted to tell all the kids at the same time. Madi made me PROMISE I would not tell ANYONE before she got home from school. So, against my will I promised and I kept it!! This was hard especially because my sisters helped me plan and prepare the whole day to tell them.
I got to the appointment and Aaron was even there! We waited for about 10 minutes, weighed myself-gained 6 pounds in 6 weeks. Got a sample and met up with Aaron in the ultrasound room to wait for Dr. Winward. I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. I just wanted my little baby to be healthy, then we would move to being nervous about Madi being upset if we were having a boy.
About 5 minutes later Dr. Winward showed up. She measured me and said I was growing "beautifully" I looked at Aaron and asked if he thought the same. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sure".
How Sweet!
We then got to work. Dr. Winward squeezed the warm jelly on me and we found our little babe. Everything looked great! About 10 minutes into it she asked what we were hoping for, we both shrugged our shoulders and she put up on the screen "It's A ..." I was thrilled! I think Aaron smiled. Let's be honest.....He doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeves. That is my job.
Our little baby was perfect! The only thing that was questionable was I was on the border for placenta previa. We will do another ultrasound in 8 weeks to see if I am in the clear. The worst that could happen would be that I need to have a C-section. It is very unlikely but I will take that any day over something being wrong with this baby.
When we were done with everything we made our appointment for 4 weeks and headed out to get stuff to surprise my parents and kids to tell them what we were having.
I picked up Brayden and Ryan from school. Of course they wanted to know but I had to tell them they had to wait to find out until Madi and Porter got home. Brayden kept saying it was a boy. We headed up to my parents to blow up balloons and put confetti in them with random letters. Bud then wrote up this poem for them.....

Way cute huh?
We put one on my front door also along with an It's a Girl and It's a Boy balloon.
We anxiously awaited for 3:30 to come and were so excited when we saw them being dropped off. They read the note and walked in the door with a little bit of a confused look on their face.
We got Ry and Brayden home-they were helping brother Stewart scrub his driveway. Then rounded Aaron up-he was talking on the phone-to find out what we were having. When they walked in the family room it looked like this....

Porter decided to kick a balloon just as I took the picture.
Does this surprise you?

Can you tell Madi wants a girl?
They needed to pop all the balloons to see if they could spell out "Boy or Girl"
When Madi first saw the B her face fell because she didn't think I would put any of the girl letters in the balloons at all if it was a boy and vice versa. Then just before they found the "i" she thought the "Q" was an "o". She had all sorts of mixed emotions going on.
It ended up being perfect because they had the letters B, y and G, r,l.
They now either needed an "o" or "i" and this is what they got....

They were so happy and Madi couldn't stop smiling. We are very happy about this!! I guess by my mom and Karen predicting this was a girl they are right!
I can't explain how happy I am. I love to feel her move!
She moved so much during the ultrasound. She even did 2 "poses" for the pictures. One with her hand on her cheek and the other with her cute little hand under her chin. Dr. said she is already a drama queen. We'll see:)
I love being pregnant with this little girl but I can't wait to hold her in my arms. Madi doesn't think it will ever come! It is so fun having older kids to share in the excitement. Brayden makes the comment daily, "mom, your baby is getting big" saying this while patting my tummy. They are all interested and love talking about what life will be like with a baby around.
I have a great life and I love the family I have.
Although I know there is so much I need to do with my older kids before this little lady arrives I can't hardly stand it!
Aaron can wait-he doesn't really love crying babies!