Saturday, April 4, 2009

Brayd and his Daddy

It was so nice to be able to sit and watch conference with Aaron on Saturday. This is the first time we've been able to do it. Last conference Aaron was running the marathon and all the ones before that he has been working. It was pretty relaxing and enjoyable! We were all getting settled and I looked over to find this......

Brayd could really sit for like 10 minutes like this as long as we are tickiling him.
Aaron and I both love to be tickled, but I think out of all the kids he LOVES it the most!
Brayd loves his Daddy!


Keisha said...

He is so cute!I love to be tickled too! Glad you could enough watching conference as a family! Hope your doing good!

The Key's said...

How cute is that? Brayd is usually such a momma's boy that its so cute to see him cuddle up with his dad :) Conference is always great times too -- I'm glad you were able to spend it together as s family. Sunday was lots of fun huh?! ;)