Friday, September 10, 2010

Teach 'Em Young....

I love to see my boys serve! I don't think there is a better feeling in the world than to know that I, along with Aaron am teaching my boys the most important principle they can learn. When I look across the street and see my boys pulling someone elses garbage cans in, instead of our own, I smile.
Brayd is behind the garbage can.
There he is.
I love my hard-working boys!


Heather said...

That is so freaking cute. Seriously, you and Aaron are two of the best "servers" I know. Why wouldn't your kids learn it at a young age!!

Jason and Joanna said...

Good work! I'm sure Stewarts love their neighbors!

Kali said...

How cute of your boys! and what great parents you guys are for teaching them so well!
Can't believe all your kids are in school! I bet it has it's good and bad times!

Karla, A Cali Girl in Idaho! said...

That... is cute. Your family is adorable.