Friday, November 11, 2011

Vegas With My Babies!

The family and I were in need of a little quick trip to Vegas. My birthday is on Monday so we had to make a weekend out of it right? We headed down on Friday about 5 O'clock. We told the kids that morning we might go so when we told them it was going to happen they couldn't believe it, they kept saying, "we never do stuff like this". It's true, I'm not as spontaneous as I used to be.
So, we jumped in the car and headed out. When we arrived to the hotel the kids made up their beds and put their clothes away in the drawers. Silly kids.
We then went to get some dinner. We ended up at T.G.I.F. We had a little bit of a wait so of the course the kids fought to sit on Aaron's lap.
Madi and Ry won.
Brayd was o.k. as long as he got to play on Aaron's phone.
Porter hung with me.
Just Beautiful!
Let's try this again.
Now Brayd is mad because he has to get a picture and can't play anymore.
Oh this kid....
We then ate some delicious dinner and went back to sleep!

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