Sometimes holding still for a picture is just too hard to do but I like when it turns into this.....
Waiting for Madi so we can get a cute picture of them all.
Oh my Ry is just so adorable!
I'm not really sure why he is holding his watch up....Maybe it's to say let's GO!!
Then we decided we needed backpacks for the picture shoot.
Beautiful Madi! I'm not sure she can grow up.
Porter 4th grade, Madi 5th grade and Ry 1st grade.
These kids are growing so so fast!!
Such a beautiful little Tivi!
I'm starting to wonder about this thumb sucking thing.
Hopefully it passes!
Hopefully it passes!
Ry has Mrs. Budge.
Porter has Mr. Bluemehl.
My Madi has Mrs. Hamilton.
We were so excited about this!! Madi got cheated out of having her for a full year the year we moved to Idaho. They now get each other back!
Now what......Brayd with his frown/smile.
I hope I don't hear "There's nothing fun to do" too much this year.
My Baby Tivi has learned how to roll from her tummy to her back.
I put her on her elbows and she rolls over.
Brayd caught it on camera.
Then flat on her back. She gets a little worried when she lands.
Such a good smiler. She loves to smile when she's not screaming at me!
Oh my Tivi!!
Poor Ossie Baby, I think he is already wondering where his Madi is to protect him!
Let the routine begin!!
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