Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Baby Brayd...

All I have to say about this is it's sure a good thing I have my Tivi or this could be a very, very sad post!
I can't believe my Brayd is old enough to go to Kindergarten! 5 years ago I thought this day, when I have 4 kids in the Elementary school, would never come. It came! I don't like it:(
Brayd did so good at his pre-assessment for Kindergarten. I was so proud of him. 
He did have a hard time thinking about his favorite food though. 
 After his assessment we came back home for a LONG afternoon. 
It's just going to be me.....
 Baby Tivi....
 And this crazy boy at home!
 This picture^was taken in the middle of changing his pose.
Yep, we will probably have a friend, or at least cousins over daily to keep him entertained. 
It's not an easy task!
As I am writing this Brayd is loving on Ossie...
Poor Ossie:)

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