Monday, October 27, 2008

I am SO not a fan of Halloween! I don't know what it is but I just hate the stress of dressing the kids up, having WAY too much candy around AND skeletons. Sorry, I'm a bit of a humbug for Halloween, or can that only be for Christmas? However, I do try to find fun things to do with my cute, energetic kids, because I know EVERY holiday is exciting for them(and Christie too). Earlier in the month I bought this cute little set to make haunted houses out of Cocoa Krispies. They looked fun and I knew the kids would have a blast doing them. The only problem was that there was only 2 houses. I thought that may cause problems. Luckily we were able to get 3 out of the kit and the kids were very happy about it. Brayd doesn't really care at this age.

So, for FHE this is what we did.......

Madison, Porter and Ryan hard at work

Brayd wanted to get in on the action too.

They sure did turn out cute, but when we tried to eat them?
It was fun while it lasted!


The Key's said...

Your kids are cute! And I'm with ya on the halloween thing - I'm not a big fan at all either!! lol

Lyndsi said...

I LOVE HALLOWEEN! NOT... you know that. You are such a good mom to have things planned! Looks like they had fun!