Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Secret Language!

I can't quite decide how to feel about a conversation that Porter and I had today.
Here is the story...
Ry, Brayd and I went to eat lunch with Madi and Porter today at school. When lunch was over we went out on the playground to play for a couple of minutes. As I was telling Porter good-bye I remembered a couple of weeks ago when he wouldn't give me a kiss good-bye. I was sad about that but didn't push it because I didn't want him to be made fun of-kids are cruel! So, today as I was leaving, I busted out the Danish and this is how our conversation went.....
Me: "Jeg Elsker Dig, Skat"
Porter: Gets this embarrassed look on his face.
Me: "He doesn't know what it means." Referring to his friend/kid that makes fun.
Kid That Makes Fun: "It means goodbye, I know Spanish!"
Me: It's not Spanish, and it doesn't mean goodbye"
Kid That Makes Fun: "Yes, it does!"
Me: "See Porter?" I know, I'm a little childish, but BACK-OFF kid!
Porter: "Jeg Elsker Dig, Skat!"
With a BIG smile on his face:)
I'm sad that my kids are growing up but I know it has to happen, so I am happy that they can still talk to me in our "secret language". AND they don't get embarrassed or teased!
Jeg Elsker Dig, Skat=I Love You, Baby



That is the cutest thing EVER! Yeah back off kid! I need to come up with our own language too! Good idea. How ya doin?

Keisha said...

That is so cute that you have a secret language!Great idea! What a mean little kid:(

Heather said...

I love it. That really is too bad that you need a secret language. I hate bully's. You are such a cute mom to think of that and I love that you go and have lunch with your kiddos. Can't wait for May!!

Melissa said...

You are the cutest mom!

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

haha, yeah I would of punched the kid in the face but thats just me:) Cute post!

Jason and Joanna said...

haha, i think that is silly... and really silly cause you kinda argued with the kid haha- nice! but im glad that porter can still express his love to you ;)