Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What St. Nick Brought To Us....

I think St. Nick was a little lazy this year because he brought gift cards to Target for the kids....along with some pretzel M&M's and some gummisavers. The kids were all very excited when they got up and I told them after school we were going to Target and they could pick out WHATEVER they wanted with their 20 bucks!
Madi bought a cabbage-patch doll....
Porter got a pack of motorcycles.....
Ry got a Tzu Tzu pet and a Tech Deck.....
Brayd got a truck pulling a trailer with a Razor on it....
Now that I look at this not one of these presents that my monkeys picked out surprises me.
I got a softy blanket and a candle...
Aaron didn't want a picture but he got some gummisavers with movie tickets and a clean your car kit.
St. Nick was good to us and I hope it encouraged the kids to be good!


Heather said...

How fun!! I still LOVE your hair! Thanks for always being so supportive to me and just being an all around great friend!!

Unknown said...

You went dark!! I LOVE it :) I love how you can pull of anything so well! Can't wait to see you and your kiddos soon!!

Melissa said...

How come St. Nick doesn't visit our house? We are going to have to have a chat with him...
Looks like fun!