Saturday, June 4, 2011

Oh Ry!

Tonight, while we were hanging out at the West Home to celebrate Carter getting baptized, Ry was playing on the fridge with the letters of the alphabet. As he was going through the alphabet, he got to "L" then got stuck. He came up to Aaron and said, "Dad, what's emeno?" We were confused at first, then realized what he was doing. So we had to explain to him that emeno wasn't a letter, it was M, N, O said fast. He was so cute, he said, "M, N, Oh!" By the time he said O he understood so it was kind of a pun also.
Aaron was so proud!!
We love you Ry!


Jason and Joanna said...

lol- oh ry.. i love you.

Melissa said...

Seriously, save that boy for one of my twinners. He is so dang cute!

Jenny said...

That was so stinkin' cute! I just barely told my husband that story when I got onto your blog and there was this post! Funny! Thanks for "inviting" me so I can blog stalk you now! Hope you all have/had a fabulous time at Lake Powell!! :)