Saturday, January 16, 2010

For Fun in Burley

When we want to have a good night out we head to Twin Falls. The city is 35 miles away but the best I know how to compare it to is like Hurricane and St. George. I have been very good at making dinner every night since we have gotten here. So, this night I decided it was time to "Go Out". We took the kids and had a good time. The kids and I picked up Aaron from work at closing time which is 6 o'clock. When we first arrived in Twin we got gas and checked out some t.v.'s at Costco. The kids love Costco because of their carts so this is what
we look like when we walk around Costco.....

Yes, all the old ladies about have hear-attacks but we haven't had any accidents yet.....
After we had our fill of Costco we went to get some dinner. We ended up at Cafe' Rio for the kids and I. Aaron had some BBQ next door. As we left dinner we decided that we are VERY out of practice at taking our kids to dinner. It was a little stressful but we made it and I am reminded of why it is a good thing to feed my kids while Aaron is still at work.
After our tummy's were full we needed to do a little shopping. We decided to check out Old Navy and got some sweet deals. I bought pants for Madison for 6 bucks and about 5 different shirts for Ry for 2.50. Our best buy was a pair of jammy pants for Brayd that cost 1.74. Yep, we are all about bargains these days!
Our night ended with some delicious ice cream from Dairy Queen. I should have taken more pictures but I got the most important one. Then we headed back to Burley.
As I was talking to Aaron on the way home I was telling him some of the things I have learned in this short month of living away from most of my family and not making friends yet. I have realized that you just have to live in the moment. I can't wish this time in my life away, we are making good memories and growing closer as a family. There have been many times in my life that I have just wished the time away and now I look back and wonder how Porter got to be 6? The grass is not greener on the other side. It took some time, but in my old age I am now finally realizing this. I make more time to do what is important. I play the piano with Madison. I don't yell at Porter nearly as much. I play legos and puzzles with Ryan. I take the time to teach Brayden to recognize the letters of the alphabet, which he knows about half at this time. I have played more games with my babies in this last month than I have in my whole life. Our favorite game is Monopoly Jr. I have made dinner for my family and I enjoy doing it. The kids seem to get along well and I think they are starting to tolerate each other better. We of course still have our issues but we are learning to be more patient and happy:). I believe Aaron is taking advantage of this time also. He plays with the kids almost every night after he gets home. The kids love to play "sardines" with him. Brayden is the best hider with him. We have taken to swinging our babies in their blankets every night before they go to bed at 7:30. Aaron is always throwing the kids on the couches. My favorite is we will just be sitting there quietly just talking with the kids and Aaron all of a sudden runs out of the room and shuts the door. That means he is hiding and the kids better run fast to find him!
Maybe to some this is just stuff that is "normal" thing for them. For us maybe we are a little slow but I am very thankful for the opportunity we have had to move to Burley and become a closer family. I just hope that WHEN we make it back to St. George it will stick and we can keep learning as we go.


Jason and Joanna said...

i liked this post, it's a good one. eventhough i talk to you like 5 times a day im glad you put all of this information in. it's good to see how close you guys are growing as a family.

thats a cute picture of your babies at costco, haha, it makes me laugh! so proud of you that you make breakfast, lunch, AND dinner every night- good work!! eventhough i miss ya guys, i'm glad you guys are able to experience this time- way to be positive!

Lyndsi said...

Bon, I am so glad that you are taking advantage of the little things up there! It sounds like you guys are doing great. Thats OK that you haven't made friends yet. You can't until after summer anyway! ;) haha.... or at least until after Lake Powell! We do miss you guys down here though.

Heather said...

I'm glad that you are having such a great family time. I'm also glad that you put WHEN you move back to st. george. It gives me hope. We sure miss you guys. I led the music for the first time today. Wasn't all that exciting. I think it would've been funner with you around to laugh with.

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

That sounds like a very fun night. I think it's awesome how close you guys are getting. It's kinda of how our family had to be when we were kids. But as soon as you are done getting close don't forget to come back:) Especially now that we will only be a mile away!

Tobler's said...

Cute post! I am glad that you are enjoying your time in Burley! You are awesome to cook ever night..Good Job!
Enjoy your time up there with your cute family!

The McInnes Family said...

Good job Bonnie! I so wish I had more time to do those sort of things with my kids! They really don't like to stay at home just with me anymore. The boys love to be with their friends a lot and that's important too. So keep on keepin' on and just do as you are doing and enjoying the moments!