Wednesday, February 22, 2012

24 Weeks!

I had another appointment yesterday....things are cruising along and baby girl is healthy and wiggly as ever. It makes Aaron nervous! As we were laying in bed at about 11:30 last night and she moved 5 times in about a 30 second time period. Aaron said that if the baby is naughty then I will have to trade rooms with Porter:)
I gained 8 pounds in 5 weeks. Whoops!! I'm trying to keep it under control but I am getting rather top heavy!! I guess if I have to gain it that is probably a good place for the weight to go.
We have been ordering lots of cute clothes and get so excited when the packages arrive. We put our little baby's room together and are pretty ready and excited for her arrival. I have felt really good but Aaron has been saying I'm moving a little bit more awkward lately. It's probably true!!
We leave for California tomorrow with Joanna and Jason to jam out to Peter Cetera. I love to just listen to him!!
Hopefully I don't gain 8 more pounds this weekend!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love reading your updates! You need to post a picture of the room and your cute belly! Hope you had a blast in CA!