Monday, February 13, 2012


For Christmas this year, Aaron's parents invited all the siblings and spouses to go to Yellowstone. There were some that couldn't make it, but for the ones that did we had a good relaxing time. I totally forgot to bring my camera so I just have these pictures from my phone. But, better than having nothing!! The first day we were there we walked into town to find some surprises for my babies.
Before we started out all bundled up! I was wearing Karen's snow coat.
It was very warm!
Taylor started sliding with his 5 dollar white grandma shoes from Wal-Mart-true story:) So of course Aaron being the big brother had to show him how he's still got it!!
A view from the back with Taylor.
I wasn't fast enough on this picture but I think Aaron looks so cute:)
Here we go!! We were so oblivious to the cars.
A couple of years ago we went to Yellowstone in the summer with the Garn's. We had a blast and one of the things I remember most about that trip is how Aaron was so mad while we were eating lunch. Come to find out, Porter had thrown a rock at a bear!!
At this museum. I had to take a picture.
We got them each a shirt. Madi some earrings with a mood ring, Porter a nice little contraption with some different tools on it, Ry a pocket knife with this name engraved on it and Brayd some binoculars.
We then came home, had lunch, hung out and went to the hot tub that night. It was a relaxing day!

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