Thursday, February 4, 2010

Being Domestic?

This morning I though I would bust out my domestic side! Ry, Brayd and I decided to make cinnamon rolls from scratch! Yes, you heard me right, I raised the dough and everything:). My plan was to have it all done and have the dough raising by the time we took lunch to the "workers". I even put the dough on the heaters upstairs so it would raise nicely(hoping Ossie Baby didn't discover it and eat the dough like he did to the rolls yesterday). He didn't.
We took Aaron, Russ and Nicole lunch and everything was going smoothly until I bit a carrot and my crown broke loose from my tooth. That sucks!
I called the dentist in my ward and he was able to get me in.
I now look like this......
Yep, a Freakin' Hillbilly. I even got it pulled in HEYBURN.
To make a long story a little shorter they couldn't save my tooth, so they did the next best thing right? PULLED IT. They say I will be able to put the implant in as soon as it heals. Meanwhile they can put something there so I can feel good about myself. I will have a consultation with the different dentist next week.
Well, 5 hours later, my overgrown dough and almost fainting in the dentist chair I made it home and continued making my cinnamon rolls.....

This is alot of cinnamon rolls!
They turned out good and I may cook with yeast again after this!!
They even did very good at rising the second time. Due to my unplanned event in the middle of the day, Kris cooked them while I was on a "hot" date.
Thanks Kris!!

While I was recovering from my "surgery" Madi was playing next to me and said, "look Mom!"
I looked.....
Seriously, is there a better dog on this whole planet?
I was a little surprised that Madi did this. The difference between her and the boys doing this is she was ALOT more careful in the process.
We love Ossie Baby!
Today was busy. I'm glad it's over. However, things turned out:)


Jason and Joanna said...

LOL nice... Hillbilly!!! That's way too funny.

I am VERY impressed with your cinnamon rolls. Maybe I should try those some day.

Ya, I'm gonna do everything to make it so we can meet next week. Hopefully Dr. Winward gives me the go and I'll be there!

The Key's said...

Jo - you better come up :) We'll have fun! And Bonnie - you're not THAT hillbilly :) At least it's in the very back of your mouth and not the front. And I'm very impressed with your cinnamon rolls. Too bad I had to break the diet to try one ;) Good work! PS Next time we're seeing When in Rome - girls pick haha

The Egg-heads said...

Only Bonnie would have energy and gumption enough to go have a tooth pulled, then come back home and make cinnamon rolls! You're amazing!

I had 5 missing permanent teeth, and 5 implants (I love the looks I get when I tell people I have 5 implants.) They're definitely not the funnest thing to have done (nothing like having a screw drilled into your jaw bone....) but they sure are nice once it's all over! Good luck! You and your family are so beautiful!

Heather said...

Look at you being all domesticated. Is that what happens when you live in Idaho? Or do your teeth just fall out? That sucks. Good luck with your teeth.